"All of Vlad's forces and all of Vlad's men, are out to put Humpty together again." (1 Viewer)

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Heresay. Heresay is a very powerful tool as everyone likes to be right and passing on something that so many others
are saying makes it more right the more it's said.

To match what Iraised it to you will need a heresay or two snippets of fake news.
Speaking of death from natural causes due to gravity, whatever happened to the Russian MoD spokesman who said "don't ask about the Iranian drones" on an open mike?
Also someone posted a link that discussed two Russian FSB(?) types who advised Putler to attack Ukraine, "two, three days tops". Did the operatives mentioned fall out of anything or did they shoot themselves in the head 7 or 8 times, pausing only once to reload?

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