"All of Vlad's forces and all of Vlad's men, are out to put Humpty together again." (4 Viewers)

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The last paragraph is the killer As a result, Musk's control of the signal gives him significant sway over the battlefield at a time when he has come under heavy criticism for arguing that Ukraine should sue for peace and give up some of its territory.

Is Musk trying to force Ukraine to give up Crimea?

I am glad I do not use any of his products
If Musk is actually behind the blackout and subsequent manipulation of Ukraine military communications, he risks falling from favor in the public and stockholder's eye - not a wise move on his behalf.

As far as ding-dong Jong goes, he executed his defense minister and eleven musicians with anti-aircraft cannon. He then had tanks grind their bits into the ground.

He also executed his defense minister and others by Mortar.

He executed his deputy security minister and most of the minister's cabinet with flame throwers.

The guy is sadistic asshole that rivals Pol Pot.
The optics of cutting Ukraine out of Starlink would work against the feelings of his consumer base in Tesla buyers and perhaps even NASA, given how the current administration has (gladly!) been pretty strong in supporting Ukraine.

Even if this is accidental, consumer response will probably trend to the negative simply because losing coverage from more than a thousand satellites is not a good look for a space company.

Either way, Musk will come out of this looking worse and perhaps suffering at the level of the bottom line.

I hope it goes without saying that I think he's a twatwaffle of the first order, a toxic combination of narcissism, expert syndrome, and being insanely rich. I hope the Law of Unintended Consequences strikes again and his takeover of Twitter kills that cesspool.
The optics of cutting Ukraine out of Starlink would work against the feelings of his consumer base in Tesla buyers and perhaps even NASA, given how the current administration has (gladly!) been pretty strong in supporting Ukraine.
Worse, Musk could see his companies or parts thereof expropriated and nationalized by the US govt. Washington won't put up with any crap from Elon, thinking either you're with us or against us, there is no squishy middle.


I'm not sure the American political environment would support that, but for obvious reasons won't go any further.

But again, a different political environment, discussion of which differences would likely broach the rules. I do agree that whether intentional or accidental, this outage will hurt his brand a bit.
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But again, a different political environment, discussion of which differences would likely broach the rules. I do agree tat whether intentional or accidental, this outage will hurt his brand a bit.
True, but imagine if pre-PH, Ford announced after agreeing to make thousands of trucks for lend lease for the USSR that half way through he'd changed his mind, and that Stalin should settle with Hitler. And such a move might not be so fantastical, Ford was a bit of a genius nutter himself.

Forgive what may be an ignorant question, but did that actually happen?
Forgive what may be an ignorant question, but did that actually happen?
No, that's just my mind. But Ford would have been nationalized, like Elon might be if he keeps screwing around.
Go cloggies go.

These clogs are made for walking
And that's just what they'll do
One of these days these clogs are gonna walk all over all th russian sobs and you.

View attachment 693141

These NATO refurb tanks must now be some of the best ever that rolled out of Russian factories. Too bad the reverse speed is still rubbish.
Ol' Henry, like Lindbergh and many other industrialists admired naziism for its social efficiency and discipline.
We've wandered afield a little, and let's get it away from that political discussion, no?
Agreed. But watch it Elon.

Thoughts on the best tanks in the Ukraine war? NATO L7-armed Slovenian M-55S vs. T-90M?

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Starlink *might* be nationalized *if* the U.S. were at war under a Federal Emergency Act, but it's not, so it won't happen.

What will happen, is Musk will lose market share sales and come under scrutiny if he keeps fooling around.

He's a narcissist first and foremost and is most likely trying to play hero and win a Nobel Peace Prize in order to up his street cred.

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