"All of Vlad's forces and all of Vlad's men, are out to put Humpty together again."

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Unreconstructed relics of the cold War. (After listening to the whole thing.)

I gave up at the whole "ruling global elites" discussion which, again, ignores the fact that those national leaders are elected by the people in all the nations mentioned.

The whole thing was unsupported blathering by 2 men who clearly have a political agenda they're trying to push, selectively making historical comparisons which simply don't stack up against the situation today. Comments like "Britain bankrupted itself maintaining its empire and then came cap-in-hand to the US to fund and equip them." Really? The fact that Britain was standing up alone against 3 totalitarian regimes in a fighting war, with a 4th adversary lurking in the wings? And that's Britain's fault? GRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!

The Lithuanians have developed electronic weapons that seize control of drones or cause them to shut down in flight and those are in use in Ukraine but I suspect the Iranians are rapidly changing the missile programming so that the Lithuanian electronic weapons need reprogramming as well.

I suspect the Ukrainians have similar weapons and are keeping quiet about them.
Shootong down small/medium sized drones is a perfect application for high power lasers. Time to field test a system?
Forgot most important thing: all traitors and terorists, have to be executed immediately! Without that, peace is just a piece of paper!

Specially any terorists sent by the regime of Iran, have to be executed right in front of Iranian embassy, by Iranians in Ukraine.

Sorry, but that's not how the civilized world works…
Sorry, but that's not how the civilized world works…
You can be civilized, if your enemy is! Or at least, while you are fighting "human beings", not terorists. Letting them to be alive, is a big mistake, and to be honest, it really doesn't matter whatever Ukraine desides to do with them. Our Cyberspace worriors have gathered their names, and hunters are looking for them. They can't hide anymore, nor be able to continue their crimes. This was not their war, whatever happens to them or their families, is their own fault.

That is what sets us apart from those we fight. We care about human life. We care about the rule of law. If you act like them, you are no better than them.

What kind of world do you want your children to live in? I choose a just and civilized one. One that has a just rule of law.

Maybe that's why some countries enjoy a better standard and quality of live. We have evolved over time and become civilized.
Wherever you live, and whatever laws and rules, you have, the fate of traitors and terorists, is death! Either in prison [life time prison] or outside it [killed]. There are many ways to kill someone, bullet is just one of them
Wherever you live, and whatever laws and rules, you have, the fate of traitors and terorists, is death! Either in prison [life time prison] or outside it [killed]. There are many ways to kill someone, bullet is just one of them

I think we have a difference of opinion in the definition of what "civilized" is, and what rule of law is. Maybe its a cultural thing, and one that I alluded to above regarding evolution and being civilized.

Regardless, this has very little to do with the topic of Ukraine and Russia, nor is there a point to us discussing it. We will never agree, largely on those cultural reasons.

Considering your thoughts, I hope you remain safe…
What kind of world do you want your children to live in? I choose a just and civilized one. One that has a just rule of law.
Not sure about world, but in future Iran, there will be no sign of religion, in any form or shape, or any other thing that can separate people from each other. They will learn about their own country, it's reach culture and long history, not useless bullshits of a 1400 years old pedophile and his serial killer successor.
The only relation is that some of "humans" in your opinion, have not only fought on wrong side of a war that has no relation to them, but also have committed multiple crimes, from smallest to biggest, maybe the Ukrainians decide to show them mercy, maybe not. The whole point is that I won't care about their fate.

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