"All of Vlad's forces and all of Vlad's men, are out to put Humpty together again." (3 Viewers)

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introducing any complex armament ssystems is taking months or years before it become real threat for enemy - sorry to say so but giving Ukrainians anything may require more than 8 hours training is pointless
"8 hours training"... Ukraine is fighting for 10 days already.
Poland is the next or one of the next. I hope your politicians do understand that.
Of course, it's not simple. But so far the position declared by NATO is simple: we do not interfere.
Simple. Simply stupid. No kind of "ambiguity", a kind that was used towards Taiwan.
This is not an "appeasement" anymore. This is an encouragement. The aggressor now feels free to continue without any fear for his flanks. And he got the signal: NATO is morally weak.
"8 hours training"... Ukraine is fighting for 10 days already.
Poland is the next or one of the next. I hope your politicians do understand that.
please understand my point - im backing all possible effective help we may deliver to Ukraine - key word here is " effective". Training single soldier in effective use of Javelin or Piorun missiles taking couple hours and both of this weapon system are effective. If Poland will give to Ukraine Mig 29 it is possible to make immediate use of this, the same with 2S1 SP guns or any other well known by Ukrainians equipment - this is as well effective help. Giving to Ukraine complex wepon system they dont know it is not effective help just creating illusions.
Wouldn't Moldova be next? They're a breakaway Republic, not in NATO or the EU and are essentially Ukraine Light.
Moldova is a former territory of Romania with a large ethnic Romanian population and as recently as last year, there was talk of reunification.

Russia invading Moldova *may* see Romania becoming involved more than politically.
I do understand your point and thank you for your support. I do not understand the number of hours (days, weeks) as a measure of effectiveness. Imagine Polish pilots in 1940 who are told: no Spitfires for you, never, because the training takes a long time.
Training for the use of complex weapon systems creates not illusions but a firm background for future actions. This is a long war.
And "short term" and "long term" assistance are not mutually exclusive.

This all points back to lack of accurate planning by the Russian military. I mean, what sort of fight did they think they were getting into? Russia vastly outnumbers Ukraine in terms of outright military power. Did Russian military leaders really expect a big tank battle? Tanks are absolutely useless against an insurgency so why send them into Ukraine….or were they simply supposed to be an overwhelming show of strength that would cow the Ukrainians into surrender? If so, then the tanks would be useful for the victory parade through the streets of Kyiv.

Unfortunately for Moscow, it seems the Ukrainian military refused to be overwhelmed….indeed, they weren't even whelmed. They were distinctly underwhelmed, and adopted tactics that enable them to inflict losses on Russian forces by use of these nimble insurgency tactics. Has the Russian military really forgotten ALL the lessons from their experiences in Afghanistan?
actually it has happen - first two polish squadrons have been equipped with Hurricanes because Spitfires as prime equipment has been reserved for british squadrons - it was clear misundersanding of where factor laying - most of the polish pilots have been well trained battle hardened veterans - in british squadrons core of pilots has been kids with 10 to 20 hours in spitfires - first 126 aerial victories of 303 sq has been done with this Hurricanes. Problem is war is now, and we have to think how effectively repeal russians right now - im pretty sure that Ukraine will have access to most of the complex weapon systems as Poland or any other NATO country has. Also im strongly backing Ukraine membership in NATO and EU. All this not just because of my great personal sympathy to Ukraine but also because i strongly believe that it is best we can do for Europe and the world. We may not allow Russia to became superpower. Marshal Pilsudski clearly expressed opinion that for Russia Ukraine is necessary factor for superpower status. Im not biggest fan of Marshal but i think he has been right in this matter.

Dimlee, I am sure you are thinking with emotion because I know you are a rational and smart man my friend. You know very well what would actually happen if war broke out between the NATO countries and Russia.

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