"All of Vlad's forces and all of Vlad's men, are out to put Humpty together again." (4 Viewers)

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Back when Pontius was a pilot, outbriefs during exercises included a check to ensure the aircrew flight suits were completely sanitized. No name badges, no unit badges, no wallet, no photos of loved ones, no ticket stubs...just a blank flight suit with rank badges and carrying the military ID card. Nothing else.

Having gone through that rigmarole more times than I care to remember during the Cold War, I shudder at the OPSEC implications of the current generation of military personnel wanting to take their phone with them on operations. Aside from the obvious opportunity to target the phone's emissions, the device can provide all sorts of opportunities for propaganda and info ops because all of the person's contacts can be accessed and reached via social media and other means.

Any officer who lets his/her subordinates take their cell phone into a combat zone should be drummed out of the service for incompetence (just my most humble of opinions).

Any Russian officer who does this should be congratulated, preferably posthumously.
Bradleys and Marders! Nice. I hope they're ATGW armed.



I was disappointed that Canada's LAV3 donation to Ukraine was of the unarmed field ambulance variant. Hopefully these new IFVs are fully armed.
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This certainly lines up with the narrative that Russians are murdering, unthinking, orc-like monsters. But we should remember that Ukraine's government, military and intelligence services also have a propaganda or persuading function - they need to keep and expedite the weapons supply. All I ask is that we always be questioning why either side is telling us something.

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