"All of Vlad's forces and all of Vlad's men, are out to put Humpty together again." (4 Viewers)

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It has just been announced that France will send 12 more Caesar 155 mm guns to be added to the 18 previously sent.
In my opinion, it would be wiser to send more guns instead of Leclerc tanks, as artillery even if less glamourous than tanks is a n° 1 asset.
The Leclerc would add a 4th tank model, and the associated logistical burden and a complicated one, to the 3 already announced.
As a bonus, the Ukrainians already know the gun and put it to good use.
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re the 'sending of arms to Ukraine only prolonging the war' and other such comments.

I have to wonder how many of the people saying the above (or some similar thing) would say the same thing if it was their country being invaded.

I can just imagine Zoran Milanovic (Croatian President) saying 'No, no, no . . . please, no one send us military aid or weapons . . . it will just prolong the time it takes Russia (or some other country) to invade us.'

Unless it was to their personal benefit.
I'd like to hear their first impression of the Challenger. I imagine something along the lines of, ergonomics, spaciousness, heat, and what's this, an integrated kettle for making tea?! And then there's the ability to reverse quickly, giving the UAF the ability to quickly move forward, shoot and then reverse into cover.
Reminds me a bit about an 'opportunist' in the UK during WW2. He advertised a guaranteed way of avoiding the draft into the army if you were fit. You sent him the money and he sent you the way of avoiding the draft.

Inside the envelope was a card with the advice which simply said, 'volunteer'.

He was taken to court and if I remember he was conscripted and any funds he made sent to the treasury. I have to admit that I liked his style.
I think that is one of the 60mm mortars in use by the UAF. If so the max range is about 1500 yds, but effective range (for actually hitting anything with the first couple of rounds) is about 500-600 yds. After a few ranging rounds you could probably be effective out to about 800-900 yds.

But it did not look like he was using the sights so he is probably firing at relatively short ranges of less than 500-600 yds. Or maybe on a preset target?
I now can't stop thinking about the Saint Gloriana Academy team from "Girls Und Panzer".

"The British Grenadiers" keeps playing in my mind.

Nobody has the monopoly on idiotic politicians.

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