"All of Vlad's forces and all of Vlad's men, are out to put Humpty together again." (9 Viewers)

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I had to read this twice to make sure that I wasn't having a fantasy. The words Within Budget and Ahead of Schedule are not seen in the UK

The better the tanks the fewer they seem to be. From 420 Challenger 1s, to 227 Challenger 2s to 138 Challenger 3s. By the time we get to Challenger 5 they'll be just a dozen tanks.
The better the tanks the fewer they seem to be. From 420 Challenger 1s, to 227 Challenger 2s to 138 Challenger 3s. By the time we get to Challenger 5 they'll be just a dozen tanks.

Higher tech costs more at the same time defense budgets are static or decreasing. We see the same thing in USAF fighter and bomber procurement. We went from building 750 B-52s, to 100 B-1s, to 21 B-2s.
I had to read this twice to make sure that I wasn't having a fantasy. The words Within Budget and Ahead of Schedule are not seen in the UK

Probably a typo.
Image 11-2-2023 at 8.28 am.jpg
Wouldn't 100+ Leopard Is be better than 10 AMX 10s? It seems to me that however useful the AMX 10 is, the Leo I would be better.

Not the same use.
The AMX10 RC is a recon in force vehicle and has never been thought as a battle tank except by inept journalists. As long as I know, a tank does not run on tires...
The AMX10 I believe to be a blind alley. Its gun isn't as good as the 105 in the Leopard 1, its armour is close to negligible but to be honest the Leopard 1 isn't much to shout about. It is wheeled which means that it will not be as agile in rough terrain. It might have more modern sensors but that will depend on which version of the Leopard 1 you are talking about. Logistically it will be a nightmare.

As a recce vehicle it is just too big, you will see it for miles

Petain once said, under German occupation, "I am only a lemon, they will squeeze me dry and then throw me away."

How Prigozhin doesn't understand that is beyond me. He will be used until he has no more utility, and then he too will find a convenient window.
The AMX10 I believe to be a blind alley. Its gun isn't as good as the 105 in the Leopard 1, its armour is close to negligible but to be honest the Leopard 1 isn't much to shout about. It is wheeled which means that it will not be as agile in rough terrain. It might have more modern sensors but that will depend on which version of the Leopard 1 you are talking about. Logistically it will be a nightmare.

As a recce vehicle it is just too big, you will see it for miles

It also sees you for miles. During manoeuvres, infantry units are surprised by its ability for detection. The armor is not that of a tank as it is not a tank.
Its mission is recon, the gun serving to disengage.
By the way, it was adopted in preference to a tracked concept that did not convince.
Not the same use.
The AMX10 RC is a recon in force vehicle and has never been thought as a battle tank except by inept journalists. As long as I know, a tank does not run on tires...
I erased the second sentence before posting which went something like "I'm not talking an MBT comparison".
What I should have asked is: doesn't the Leo I have some utility and would be more useful than an AMX 10?
The AMX 10 is a freakin' armored car. Any Pottsylvanian 3 year old can tell you that.

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