"All of Vlad's forces and all of Vlad's men, are out to put Humpty together again." (6 Viewers)

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Which reminds me. Most of us are A-10 fans. It's better than the plane Ukraine uses, the Su-25. Neither side can use the Su-25 to full effect. The A-10 will do the job while not being used better than the Su-25 not being used. Training, maintaining and equipping A-10s are resources not being used for more capable and survivable platforms.
Although the AFU hasn't once asked me advice, they seem to know what they are doing. They don't want A-10s. As much as I like them and as useful they can be, the Warthog's time has passed.
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I think there is a misunderstanding here.

The Ukrainians are not asking for F-16s because they think the A-10 is useless or would not like to have them, or even that the A-10 is less survivable than the F-16 in the ground attack/CAS rolls. They are asking for F-16s because they are running low on air superiority airframes. Without air superiority airframes to provide cover for the A-10s (or any other airframe operating in ground attack/CAS) the Ukrainians cannot do (much) ground attack/CAS - regardless of what airframe they have available.
Remember, kids, Ukraine plays it's cards close to it's vest - last summer, the U.S. approved funding for training Ukrainian Pilots and English speaking pilots were sent to the U.S. for training, including A-10 flight school.

And in other news...possible German Panthers in Ukraine.

Nooo, not those Panthers, these Panthers:

It's Stalingrad all over again. There was no reason for Paulus to ignore his flanks and the greater mission
and grind his forces into nothingness. It's supposed to be a blitzkrieg, not a sitskreig.

Yep, Stalingrad all over again and target fixation.

Not as good history student as he think he is, uncle Vlad.
These idiots wave nukes around like they have something special - they fail to realize that a nuclear weapon is like a boomerang: you toss one out and it'll come right back...
That's the problem with fanatics - they always forgot that little detail. Or they chose to ignore it. That's also the danger if someone kills Putin - you'll never know who gets control of his boombox.
I think the one advantage a modern F16 would have is in up to date ECM. If they can negate the long range S300/400 SAMS then things could change very quickly. Control of the sky's would be with Ukraine even if its a local air superiority.

The question is would the USA let them have it
Just like the original, It is one cool looking MF
An EC-130 would be far more effective with its ECM than an F-16.
An EC-130 would be far more effective with its ECM than an F-16.
Tactically I don't think so. Ukraine will still be heavily outnumbered in the air and an EC130 would be both target No 1 and very vulnerable. F16's would be flying frequently and often in small numbers and would need protection every time. An Ec130 may well be better for a pre-planned mission as part of a package but for every day, all day. The F16 (or F18) with its own ECM is likely to be of more benefit
The output power (ERP= Effective Radiated Power) of an EC-130 is enormous. Moreover it carries a large amount of SIGINT/ELINT equipment and trained operators as a payload. An F-16 has some ECM, but TOGETHER with EC-130 support and a coordinated attack with A-10s, this would be devastating to armor.

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