"All of Vlad's forces and all of Vlad's men, are out to put Humpty together again." (3 Viewers)

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Does anyone have a good explanation of how the Russian Su-27 "clipped the propeller" of that drone without touching the rest of it?

Flying fighters is a demanding exercise and the relentless pursuit of greater proficiency and skill is tough to say the least. And that is a Western perspective. Add very similar aircraft and missions, no hours to be other than minimally proficient, rampant pencil whipping of readiness or training, and now you are in a war. Pulling alert, getting horns (scrambles) all night long, sent on patrols, losing guys in your unit and all of a sudden you are either effing off or told to buzz a drone in international airspace. Any training in that? Probably not. Don't worry, the drones have live feed video complete with lat longs displayed. I think when the wrapper comes off you will see a great example of poor airmanship and skill on display.

Yeah I get that. I am wondering how the US statement of the aircraft "clipping the propeller" if a pusher aircraft really went down. If contact was made, how do you just clip the propeller without wiping out the rest of the drone and severely damaging your own aircraft?
Oh, come on! The Moors haven't invaded in over 1000 years. Relax.
That is pretty well known and I 'm not saying that.

But the friendliness of a neighbor is not messured in just that they don't threat with invasion, is that they conduct in a honest way in the bilateral relations. Of course dissent is posible and even necessary.

The things that are not friendly are using migration as a blackmail to gain economic advantages, claiming lands that weren't historically yours as your own, showing your neighbor counties as your own in educational institutions and in bilateral meeting and so. Been a tyranical regime ruled by a corrupt S.O.B. brings that kind of things, but they are so it be cos is one of our S.O.B.

And I 'm not talking about Turkey BTW, were we can see that kind of behavior and we can agree that nobody could claim honestly that is a friendly neighbor. So if Turkey is not a friendly country, neither Morocco could be considered as one.

And I will refrain to step further in to it cos is not related to the thread and could flirt with politics.
The Su-27 was damaged in the wingtip?

I think a near pass under the Predator could have damaged one of the fins in the fighter.

IIRC that was what happened in an incident between a EP-3 and a chinese SU-27 some time ago
Ok....I'm going to apologise profusely for this. But I'm doing it anyway....

Somehow, we managed to miss the anniversary on 1 March of the release of the "Bayraktar" song....so here's a remix I found which made me laugh (although it's probably been posted here before and I just missed it. Nothing new there...most things go over my head). Still love the Ukrainians' sense of humour:

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qRACuuy4AHo

And for those bluff old traditionalists, here's the original release in all its glory:

View: https://twitter.com/jenmarie410/status/1498874621541691397?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1498874621541691397%7Ctwgr%5E%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=

Happy ear worm!!!!!
It will be a bomb if presented tobthe Eurovisión song contest.

A true hit.

Or they have hard points under the wing. I do not know what they carry on them but that payload may clip the prop without touching the tail though that would take a lot of skill if deliberate though more likely they were trying to hit the tail or just create severe turbulence to cause it to go out of control. Lets hope they release the presumed video
It's time to arm those drones.
I'm still willing to bet that the Su-27 damaged either of the vertical stabilizers when it struck the Reaper's prop.

Very likely. The pilot would get indications from the engine performance and other instruments that "something" was wrong. He (or she) wouldn't get any clue regarding relatively minor physical damage to the tail surfaces...and I'm pretty sure the FMV ball isn't in a place to see.

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