"All of Vlad's forces and all of Vlad's men, are out to put Humpty together again."

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The Doolittle raid on Tokyo forced the Japanese to re-asses their Pacific expansionist policy and to re-group closer to their home islands since this raid exposed their vulnerability. This shifted their focus from the Aleutians to the South.

Oh, I see. I thought you were talking about the grand strategic decision between attacking Russia or attacking the Dutch East Indies.

The Doolittle Raid certainly prompted some changes but I'm pretty sure the Japanese were already looking to further expand in the South Pacific. It was the Central Pacific which became their next focus, in part to prevent a recurrence, in part to bring the carriers to battle.
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Probably already been posted, but we'll do it again…

Don't you hate it when your boss turns up just when things are going bad...

Kremlin spokesman Peskov commented on the issuance of an arrest warrant for Putin by the International Criminal Court in The Hague.
"The very formulation of the issue is outrageous and unacceptable, we do not recognize the jurisdiction of this court, any of its decisions are null and void in terms of law"

I bet the Nazis trialed at Nuremberg didn't recognize the jurisdiction of the International Military Tribunal either.

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