"All of Vlad's forces and all of Vlad's men, are out to put Humpty together again." (3 Viewers)

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Which reports??

Unfortunately I did not bookmark them or I would have linked them but they put China ahead of the US in many fields by up to 7 years. My anti virus flushes my computer history every week.

Quick internet search found these among others. Also - think of companies like Tiktok that are dominating the news for information gathering.

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The logic of a country that represents 13,5 % of the world surface, supposedly surrounded by herds of hostile powers.
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The logic of a country that represent 13,5 % of the world surface, supposedly surrounded by herds of hostile powers.
The only time Russia has been attacked by another nation in the past 100 years, was by an Ally of the Soviet Union - otherwise, Russia has been actively doing to it's neighbors that it accuses NATO *might* do...

The only time Russia has been attacked by another nation in the past 100 years, was by an Ally of the Soviet Union - otherwise, Russia has been actively doing to it's neighbors that it accuses NATO *might* do...

There's a serious case of projection in their "justifications" -- and a bit of history as well.
I was watching a YouTube video on Ukraine News TV. He showed a video of Katushka rocket launchers on the move in Russia. Yup, the WW II stuff. He mentioned that it was improbable they were for a parade as the trucks the launchers were on were U.S. Lend-Lease from WW II.
Ironic, no?

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