"All of Vlad's forces and all of Vlad's men, are out to put Humpty together again." (7 Viewers)

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That also goes for his understanding and expectations of government and military logistics.

He thinks heavy weapon deliveries should happen like this. :D

View attachment 712954

We still love you though Admiral… :D
I need to get one of those. My smoke never came in a container like that 😎
No, I get it, if Washington decides to send Abrams today it will be many months before their crews are trained, logistics, spares and support are in place, and only then can they even begin to consider being delivered. If the US thought Abrams were necessary why not commit to sending them when the Brits announced Challenger 2 back in January so that the tanks are in AFU hands in time for the spring 2023 offensive? Why announce Abrams now for delivery in autumn/winter 2023? By then much of the war will be decided.

Why have the Canadian Mounties not been committed?

Simple, political red tape…
Why have the Canadian Mounties not been committed?

Simple, political red tape…
They are deployed. Satellite 🛰️ images shows the mounties have captured their first prisoner.


  • Dudley_Do-Right_282992930101.jpg
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If you told me 40 years ago that the Chinese and Iranian would pass Russia on the tech side I would say ain't going to happen.
Beleive it or not, Bulgaria was the tech center for the Soviet Union with their first computer in the 70's and even a computer that operated a robotic arm well before the U.S. and Japan developed one.

Once the Soviet Union broke up, they no longer had a tech pipeline with Bulgaria, so their homegrown systems started relying more on imported tech.
Beleive it or not, Bulgaria was the tech center for the Soviet Union with their first computer in the 70's and even a computer that operated a robotic arm well before the U.S. and Japan developed one.

Once the Soviet Union broke up, they no longer had a tech pipeline with Bulgaria, so their homegrown systems started relying more on imported tech.
Russia history is interesting. They have always had an infereoraty complex. Always importing technology to appear strong as Europe. It started with Peter I or Peter the Great. He brought in industries. If I remember correctly, from a class a long time ago, peter I went to England to learn modern ship building and brought it home. He started their university etc. He died in the early 1700 for a point of reference. They have been trying to keep up ever since.
Beleive it or not, Bulgaria was the tech center for the Soviet Union with their first computer in the 70's and even a computer that operated a robotic arm well before the U.S. and Japan developed one.

Once the Soviet Union broke up, they no longer had a tech pipeline with Bulgaria, so their homegrown systems started relying more on imported tech.

I was not aware of that but I know that India had phone banking close to ten years before Apple and Google "invented" it.

In India most workers and many small businesses could not meet the requirements to open a bank account and the law required staff to be paid by cheque or bank transfer. The cost of cheques was very high. To cash their cheques the workers had to pay up to 30% to a money changer. Some smart young IT people came up with method that allowed employers to deposit pays on a workers phone as a credit and for the phone owner to use the phone credits to pay for their shopping. Naturally small businesses and staff took to this very quickly and big business followed as they were losing customers. Everyone won except the banks and money changers.
If you told me 40 years ago that the Chinese and Iranian would pass Russia on the tech side I would say ain't going to happen.
I doubt that Iran is ahead of Russia but have little doubt that China is. But when you stand back and think of it, where are all the high end phones, computers, TV's are built. Chinese components are in every Airbus aircraft and production facilities are in place in China. China is as good as the best and ay well be the best when looking at 5G networks and how they are used.

Russia in nowhere close in any of these and other area's, so it cannot be any surprise that Russia is both behind and is falling further behind China.

Taking this concern further. Russia has a desperate need for weapons which only China can really supply. Fairly basic drones and dumb shells others can supply, but only China has the high end technology that Russia needs. How can Russia pay for it, it has no money and China is getting the oil and gas it needs.
Whilst I cannot see China supplying complete equipment such as tanks, I wouldn't be surprised if China doesn't supply components such as thermal finder and fire control systems for Russia to use when refurbishing old equipment. Personally I would rather be in a T62 with a modern Thermal system than a T72 without it, which brings us back to how would Russia pay for it.

The only thing that Russia has is its military design and technology such as Submarines. Even the latest Chinese subs are noisy by modern standards and noisier than Russian subs. I don't know about sonars but there is quite a good chance that Russia has the edge there as the Navy is a relatively recent priority for China. That cannot be a good development for those concerned about the growth of China.
I doubt that Iran is ahead of Russia but have little doubt that China is. But when you stand back and think of it, where are all the high end phones, computers, TV's are built. Chinese components are in every Airbus aircraft and production facilities are in place in China. China is as good as the best and ay well be the best when looking at 5G networks and how they are used.

Russia in nowhere close in any of these and other area's, so it cannot be any surprise that Russia is both behind and is falling further behind China.

Taking this concern further. Russia has a desperate need for weapons which only China can really supply. Fairly basic drones and dumb shells others can supply, but only China has the high end technology that Russia needs. How can Russia pay for it, it has no money and China is getting the oil and gas it needs.
Whilst I cannot see China supplying complete equipment such as tanks, I wouldn't be surprised if China doesn't supply components such as thermal finder and fire control systems for Russia to use when refurbishing old equipment. Personally I would rather be in a T62 with a modern Thermal system than a T72 without it, which brings us back to how would Russia pay for it.

The only thing that Russia has is its military design and technology such as Submarines. Even the latest Chinese subs are noisy by modern standards and noisier than Russian subs. I don't know about sonars but there is quite a good chance that Russia has the edge there as the Navy is a relatively recent priority for China. That cannot be a good development for those concerned about the growth of China.
What a change in the world over the past 50 years. Wonder how things will play out?
If the US thought Abrams were necessary why not commit to sending them when the Brits announced Challenger 2 back in January so that the tanks are in AFU hands in time for the spring 2023 offensive? Why announce Abrams now for delivery in autumn/winter 2023? By then much of the war will be decided.
Check your facts:

  • Britain announced Challenger 2 tanks for Ukraine 20 Jan
  • US announced Abrams tanks for Ukraine 25 Jan
5 days is hardly a difference.

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