"All of Vlad's forces and all of Vlad's men, are out to put Humpty together again."

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There is more and more open talk about counteroffensive.

The bit about Russia using "absolutely any weapon" if Ukraine attempts to reclaim Crimea.

It's *almost* funny how Russia acts - they feel that it's ok to steal land from another nation but how dare they want it back!!
The bit about Russia using "absolutely any weapon" if Ukraine attempts to reclaim Crimea.

It's *almost* funny how Russia acts - they feel that it's ok to steal land from another nation but how dare they want it back!!

Putin's Law: What's yours is mine and what's mine is my own
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All of those countries will make important donations, but two countries in particular, Poland and Spain, have large production capacity. Furthermore, Hungary (really surprised seing them here) produces much needed soviet caliber munitions for legacy artillery pieces.

View: https://twitter.com/EUDefenceAgency/status/1639291439631810562
Autumn 2023? Why so long? The US complains that they're running out of artillery and rockets for Ukraine, but this dithering and holding back on systems that they will inevitably provide only prolongs the war and needlessly burns through more NATO stocks.
Japan and Korea should join too.
I'd like South Korea to be involved but in a less obvious way. Through tech transfer, consulting, finance support, etc. And new supply contracts with Poland and other countries that can send then existing equipment to Ukraine.
Koreans have the same existential problem as Ukraine today and they need to be very careful.
The bit about Russia using "absolutely any weapon" if Ukraine attempts to reclaim Crimea.

It's *almost* funny how Russia acts - they feel that it's ok to steal land from another nation but how dare they want it back!!
About the stealing...
1. Recently, I studied new opportunities in food exports to some Asian countries. What I discovered was that Russian exporters offered some commodities at absolutely crazy levels, below the cost (production+delivery). Together with my contacts in Asia, we looked deeper into the statistics and asked traders for opinions. General consensus was that there were two possible explanations: 1. Government (hidden) subsidies. 2. Stealing from Ukraine.
And then we've got a new piece of evidence: edible oil extraction in Russia was reported at 100% capacity while 1.7 mln tons of sunflower seeds magically appeared as an excessive stock - out of thin air. Not surprisingly, in some food exports Russian Federation suddenly jumped higher in the rankings in 2022/2023.
2. Dmitriy Medvedev has declared publicly that Russian citizens should use pirated intellectual property as much as possible in order to inflict the maximum loss, up to the bankruptcy, to Western companies who dared to leave the Russian Federation.
I woke up this morning thinking, if only the Western world had collectively recognized the threat and armed Poland thusly after Munich 1938.
France had a big and seemingly modern army with big prepared defences yet lost hopelessly.
Its not only the guns etc but also tactics and intel.
That imho makes the ukr. so succesfull in their defence. Better intel, better tactics and also some better hardware then the russians.
After the Ukrainians has expelled Russia and its influence from Ukraine, Russia's other neighbours, including Chechnya will want to do the same. Surely the people of Chechnya want to avenge or at least not forget the Russian's massacres at Grozny and elsewhere. Of course they have the added challenge that democracy and human rights like freedom of speech, religion and association, an open and free media, independent justice systems, etc. do not come easy to Islamist states.

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