"All of Vlad's forces and all of Vlad's men, are out to put Humpty together again." (5 Viewers)

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4 slovak MiG-29 flown to Ukrainia

The music is evocative. This has to be one of the first times Ukrainian pilots have flown donated fighters directly home. MiG's Armenian and Ukrainian founders Artem Mikoyan and Mikhail Gurevich would be proud.

View: https://twitter.com/ozbrojenesily/status/1638946825314127872?s=61&t=bmtNxWabcsIKJ6TkHkd-SA
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If I was India I'd take this opportunity to cancel any orders for Russian arms. The post-Russo-Ukraine War era will clearly head towards a West vs. China scenario. If it wants friends to counter China, India needs to get closer to the West, not a failed state like Russia.
Another insight into the culture of fear that's pervasive in Russia:
The Dad made a dumb move sending the picture to the government. What did he expect? The "town councillor" in the article is, by nature of existing in this position a FSB-approved official.
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The Dad made a dumb move sending the picture to the government. What did he expect? The "town councillor" in the article is, by nature of existing in this position a FSB-approved official.

The school had already called the police before the father contacted the town councillor. The father was looking for advice because he was already being investigated.

This is yet another example of the parallels between Putin's Russia and Nazi Germany. In the latter, children were encouraged to report their parents for any anti-party activities, whether it was telling jokes about Nazi leadership, abusing rationing, or any other item on a long list of so-called crimes that, in more open, free societies, are just routine.
Rumors say this move is actually admitting defeat at Bakhmut.
"Let's move to Africa and never mention Bakhmut again"
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Two thoughts came to mind
a) Now about those delivery dates for the aircraft Iran has just ordered
b) Thinking of the T55 tanks and BTR50 APC's. Do you think that if Putin asks nicely, Hannibal may have an elephant or two to lend hiim

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