"All of Vlad's forces and all of Vlad's men, are out to put Humpty together again." (4 Viewers)

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I'm going to make a public apology here.

I'm a very light hearted guy. I enjoy having fun. It might be because of my military days, we always picked on each other in a fun way, but never meant to hurt anyone.

I like to poke fun and joke around with the guys. And I don't mind when I get it in return. Just ask Marcel and how we "fight" over European football matches. Its all just good natured fun.

This weekend a valued member of this family informed me that he did not like my posts toward him. Even though they were not meant in a harmful way, I understand that not everyone feels the same. What I consider having fun, may be insulting to them.

So having said that A Admiral Beez , I honestly and sincerely apologize. I honestly did not mean to attack you or belittle you. Thank you for making me aware that it went too far for you. I'll let up on it.

And to anyone else, if you feel my joking around goes to far for you, let me know in a PM. We are all friends here.

This is the reply of a good man. I hope it lands on fertile soil.
Those of us who have spent considerable time in the military, any country's military, will have a sarcastic sense of humor and see humor when non military people do not. That is one of the reasons I do not post responses often as my take on a comment won't come out right for everyone. My sense of military oriented humor responses has affected my relationships with others, especially with women who say they "just want to be one of the guys", when in reality they don't know what that means. Thanks Adler.

Great post, Chris, showing both courage to respond publicly and humility to try and address the issue.

Alas, I'm too ignorant to know when I'm being mocked or insulted...most things go over my head, so feel free to keep lobbing crap in my direction.
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This is great!
But one side effect of this is fully predictable: during Korean War, Russians downed more Sabres than NAA was built. Imagine thousands and thousands of Leopards and Challengers they will destroy now!
This is great!
But one side effect of this is fully predictable: during Korean War, Russians downed more Sabres than NAA was built. Imagine thousands and thousands of Leopards and Challengers they will destroy now!
If I remember correct, Russia was destroying U.S. HIMARS before they were even delivered to Ukraine!

Hell. The site decided to add a multi quote. Adler, you can say anything you wish to me and I won't take it wrong just as long as it doesn't give me a hemhoroid. This place is my social life.

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