"All of Vlad's forces and all of Vlad's men, are out to put Humpty together again." (4 Viewers)

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Russia making friends all around.

View: https://twitter.com/Tendar/status/1641361085184745472
View: https://twitter.com/Tendar/status/1641364728302690304
All their statements may be useful during upcoming Tribunal on Russia.
Also, some curious stats: there is about 2.100.000 of the United Russia Party members. And about 2.100.000 lightpoles in Moscow alone. It may be useful too.


Last year, we were all laughing at Russia for employing tanks without infantry support. This engagement looks pretty similar to me. The main focus of the footage shows a T-72 firing its main armament multiple times at a small group of entrenched Russian soldiers.

A couple of RPGs or hand-lobbed grenades might have been a more proportionate way to take out the squishies in the trench...T-72 keeps the Russians' heads down by laying machine gun fire into the trench, while an infantry team get close enough to wipe them out with grenades.

Regardless, I know I wouldn't want to be in that trench!
Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a decree on March 30 authorizing Russia's semiannual spring conscription which will induct 147,000 Russians between April 1 and July 15.[1] Russia conducts two conscription cycles per year with the spring conscription cycle usually conscripting 134,000 Russian men.[2] Russia may use Belarus' training capacity to support the increase of 13,000 conscripts from previous years. A Ukrainian military official reported on March 4 that Russian personnel training in Belarus do not exceed 9,000 to 10,000 at a time, and ISW previously observed Russian forces training up to 12,000 troops in Belarus.[3] Satellite imagery indicates that Russian forces training in Belarus at the Obuz-Lesnovsky Training Ground recently redeployed to Russia in mid-March, freeing up space for new Russian trainees.[4] The new conscripts will not increase Russian combat power in the short term, as Russian conscripts must undergo months of training and service before they see combat.

Putin remains unlikely to deploy newly conscripted troops to participate in combat in Ukraine due to concerns for the stability of his regime.


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