"All of Vlad's forces and all of Vlad's men, are out to put Humpty together again." (3 Viewers)

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But is it FSB, Wagner, Russian military, resistance fighters, or some other group? I think we can discount the resistance movement but all the others are viable.
My money's on the FSB ........ it's a very convenient way to (i) eliminate a 'loose cannon'; and (ii) amplify the 'motherland is fighting against external (i.e. Western) enemies in a battle for its very survival' story-line - in a way that the habitual 'oops .... too much gravity made him/her fall out the window' narrative couldn't accomplish

How is Finland joining NATO a sudden cause for concern to Russia?

Poland, Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia have been on Russia's "doorstep" for years and not once, did they attack Russia.

And surprise, surprise: if they hadn't attacked Ukraine, either nation would not have joined...

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