"All of Vlad's forces and all of Vlad's men, are out to put Humpty together again." (3 Viewers)

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Relevant quote from someone originally born in Kyiv:

The interesting thing is who would want to kill him. These bloggers often say things that don't fit in with the official story, I am not pretending that they are anti Russia, but they can be critical of the state.
Ukraine would have far more important targets if they had the ability deep inside Russia
Joking aside, I am willing to bet that he was silenced.

He had over a half-million followers and may have been critical of the Russian Military, but had nothing good to say about the Wagner Group and Prigozhin in particular.

And I don't think it is any coincidence that the cafe he was killed at, was owned at one time by Prigozhin, too.
The whole thing screams of a set-up to take him out. Apparently, the bomb was disguised in a statue that was presented to the target after his speech. That's an inside job rather than an act by an external team. To pull it off, you'd have to know that he was being presented with the statue, where the statue came from, somehow get a new statue with the bomb into the right hands so it will be presented, and THEN you have to detonate it without causing mass deaths. Definitely an inside job!

April 2 (Reuters) - German armsmaker Rheinmetall (RHMG.DE) is building a military maintenance and logistics hub in Satu Mare, Romania, expected to begin operation this month to service weapons used for the war in Ukraine, the company said on Sunday.

"The service hub should play a central role in maintaining the operational readiness of western combat systems in use in Ukraine and ensuring the availability of logistical support," a spokesperson for the company said.

The hub, located near the border with Ukraine, will service self-propelled howitzers, Leopard 2 and Challenger tanks, Marder infantry fighting vehicles, Fuchs armoured transport vehicles and military trucks.

"It is a key concern for us at Rheinmetall to provide the NATO forces and Ukraine with the best possible support," Chief Executive Armin Papperger said in a statement.

Rheinmetall founded a similar center in Lithuania in June 2022 to provide support to NATO vehicles in the Baltic states.

Several reports are that Russia has rotated fresh troops into several key points (Bakhumt, Avdiivka, Marinka) in the last week or so. Forces seem to mostly been mechanised infantry, with extra artillery being pulled in as well, reportedly from northern sectors of the front. Estimates are that elements of five to eight different brigade level formations have been shifted.

This is reportedly being done in order to to bring the urban battles rapidly to a close and then allow exploitation of the situation outside of settled areas.

A sub-set of Russian military bloggers/commentators are concerned that this will weaken defenses against expected Ukrainian counter attacks. Pro-Russian sources are reporting they expect an offensive to begin sometime between mid April and Victory Day on May 9th.
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Obviously the work of the Azov Mother/Daughter team...

It is time the Azov Mother/Daughter team quietly ambushed some SAM sites close to Russian airfields where the AWACs and other assault aircraft operate from.

I would like to see them tranquillise the SAM crew and leave some drug paraphernalia laying around before using the SAMS to wipe out a few AWACs or other major players. The spaced out SAM crew would be blamed for drug use and shot on the spot. Would play hell with Russian aircrew morale to think they were being shot down by their own "defence team"

Not likely to happen unfortunately.
It is time the Azov Mother/Daughter team quietly ambushed some SAM sites close to Russian airfields where the AWACs and other assault aircraft operate from.

I would like to see them tranquillise the SAM crew and leave some drug paraphernalia laying around before using the SAMS to wipe out a few AWACs or other major players. The spaced out SAM crew would be blamed for drug use and shot on the spot. Would play hell with Russian aircrew morale to think they were being shot down by their own "defence team"

Not likely to happen unfortunately.
Or the Azov team could place a few packs of cigarettes around - that may work better, since it seems that "smoking accidents" seems to be quite hazardous aboard Russian ships and at various Russian sites...
It is time the Azov Mother/Daughter team quietly ambushed some SAM sites close to Russian airfields where the AWACs and other assault aircraft operate from.

I would like to see them tranquillise the SAM crew and leave some drug paraphernalia laying around before using the SAMS to wipe out a few AWACs or other major players. The spaced out SAM crew would be blamed for drug use and shot on the spot. Would play hell with Russian aircrew morale to think they were being shot down by their own "defence team"

Not likely to happen unfortunately.
That's a good plan. It would be great if it turned into something like the Schnapps barrel incident with the Austrian empire.
Here is interesting story from WWII times. Soviet assault of East Prussia. After encircling Gdańsk last point of organized german defence was Weiherowo - single PzV against Soviet tank brigade - Soviet has lost 20 T34 and IS2 and german crew has been forced to withdrawn because lack of supplies. Most interesting thing was what happen next - soviets have taken city of Lebork - in distance about 35km from this battle place, loosing around 20k men - i should mention there wasn't even single german soldier in this city - only tanks containing methanol alcohol left on railway station, in revenge "Russkij Mir" have burned 75% of Lebork to the bare ground.... Soviet cemetery is still exist in Lebork...
OK. The Austro Hungarian empire and the Ottoman empire were effectively on each others door step many years ago.
At one stage rumblings came in about an Ottoman army preparing to cause grief so the Emperor sent an Austrian army
Eastward in response. Turns out there was no Ottoman army coming but nobody knew that.

The army consisted of troops from various countries in the Empire with all officers being Austrian. Not many officers
spoke the language of many of the troops and vice versa which made things besides the basics difficult.

The army reached a town on a river and camp was set up on the Austrian side of the river where a bridge crossed into
the town. The residents had fled.

A small number of infantry were sent by an officer to check the town. Whilst "checking" they found a small barrel of Schnapps.
Following the take it if it isn't nailed down rule they broke the top and started drinking.

Another officer had sent some cavalry over to check out the town as well. The cavalry were of course superior chaps to the
footsloggers and when they found them demanded they hand over the barrel.

A refusal sparked some grouching, a sabre was drawn, a fight commenced and then a musket was fired and so on.
The fight spilled back towards the bridge in the dark by then and all was confusion.

The one fatal word everyone in the army understood was then yelled by someone - "Turks".

The bridge suddenly had horsemen fighting across against infantry - the known word was echoed and panic set in.
The Turks were crossing the bridge. Everyone bolted.
Even the General in charge went, leaving his dinner table with silver setting behind along with cannons and
all the supplies. Apparently nobody stopped till the next town.

Imagine being a resident and sneaking back when all is quiet to a nice meal at the high table and all the gear you could carry.

The SAM scenario reminded me of this incident as it could so easily work.
"Woman arrested over killing of Russian military blogger in St Petersburg cafe explosion"

Interesting information on Tatarsky near the end of the article. If true, he was a native Ukrainian and in prison (for bank robbery) at the time of the invasion of Donbas.

The BBC quotes Tatarsky himself stating that he was in prison for armed robbery but was freed by Donetsk rebels and he went to fight on the front lines. Now, was he freed by Donetsk citizens or was he freed by Russian proxies who were operating in the region? I suspect the latter.

He was a particularly vile commentator. In one of his posts, actually made in the Kremlin, he stated, "We will defeat everyone, we will kill everyone, we will rob everyone as necessary. Just as we like it."

We're supposed to believe that the freedom-loving residents of Donbas want to associate with Russia and be removed from Kyiv's tyrannical yoke. Yet this is the sort of man who provides commentary for them: a convicted criminal who spews hatred, not just of Ukraine but anyone who's not Russia.
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One other interesting thought on the Tatarsky case...it's already been solved. Within 24hrs...on a weekend. Most countries would still be working out who had jurisdiction and following up on leads. Not Russia. No, we have the criminal arrested, mug shot and "confession" video all tied up with a neat little bow.

Of course, the video of the women they claimed did it shows her simply saying she handed over the statue to be presented to Tatarsky. She doesn't admit to having anything to do with a bomb plot.

If we're to believe Moscow's narrative, this woman gives a statue in a box, completely spontaneously, to be given to the guest speaker. Wouldn't that set off alarm bells in ANYONE's head? Maybe they thought she was just showing her natural, full-blooded Russian support for this lunatic?

Oh...and these wonderful Russian policemen have established links between the woman in the video, Ukrainian special forces, and Alexei Navalny....and, coincidentally, Navalny's trial is coming up pretty soon. Interesting coincidence.

Here's a BBC article on the topic:

And another with more background on Darya Trepova, the woman arrested by authorities:

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One other interesting thought on the Tatarsky case...it's already been solved. Within 24hrs...on a weekend. Most countries would still be working out who had jurisdiction and following up on leads. Not Russia. No, we have the criminal arrested, mug shot and "confession" video all tied up with a neat little bow.

Of course, the video of the women they claimed did it shows her simply saying she handed over the statue to be presented to Tatarsky. She doesn't admit to having anything to do with a bomb plot.

If we're to believe Moscow's narrative, this woman gives a statue in a box, completely spontaneously, to be given to the guest speaker. Wouldn't that set off alarm bells in ANYONE's head? Maybe they thought she was just showing her natural, full-blooded Russian support for this lunatic?

Oh...and these wonderful Russian policemen have established links between the woman in the video, Ukrainian special forces, and Alexei Navalny....and, coincidentally, Navalny's trial is coming up pretty soon. Interesting coincidence.

Here's a BBC article on the topic:

And another with more background on Darya Trepova, the woman arrested by authorities:

WOW! Those Russian taxpayers sure get their monies' worth from their Police ...... such efficiency <EXTREME sarcasm alert!> :p

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