"All of Vlad's forces and all of Vlad's men, are out to put Humpty together again." (6 Viewers)

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More reports of incremental Russian success in Bakhmut and Avdiivka in the last week. And some local Ukrainian counterattacks as well. Things are delicately poised at the moment.

Around Bakhmut, Wagner forces have taken parts of the central section of the city, pushing in from the south and southeast. They have also extended their advances to the north west of the city, but have been blocked from several attempts at encirclement. To the west/southwest of Bakhmut, Ukrainian forces made some advances which improves the security of their supply lines.

At Avdiivka, Russian forces made some advances westward and southwards around Kamianka. Russian forces also made progress Vodyane around March 19-21 as an attempted end run around established defenses, but at the cost of heavy losses (again). Ukrainian forces then counterattacked against the stalled Russian forces last week, pushing them back in several places.

On a wider level, there are more indicators that Russia's force advantage in artillery continues to ebb. The combination of wear & tear on artillery systems from high volume fire, ammunition shortages and losses from Ukrainian counter-battery fire has seen the number of Russian fire missions fall by 50% since the start of its winter offensive in mid February.

Ukraine has claimed it has destroyed more than Russian 300 tube artillery systems and 60 MLRS systems since the start of March. Since the start of the year, it has claimed 675 tube systems and 100 MLRS destroyed.

Russian tactics appear to be adjusting (possibly in response to recent losses). Russian artillery has been shifted somewhat further back from the front lines. While this hurts accuracy, it's also seen losses claimed by Ukraine fall rapidly in the last 10 days or so.

This might indicate a new Russian sensitivity to losses. Russia has lost at least 700 tube artillery systems and 200 MLRS systems since the start of the war (Ukrainian claims are for close to 2700 tube systems and 500 MLRS systems), and who knows how many losses are out there but undocumented.
Upthread Bakhmut was discussed. I heard another reason why Ukraine is holding on. If the Russians take it then Sloviansk and Kramatorsk will be in Russian artillery range. Then two more cities will be pounded into rubble. I can understand why a Ukrainian would not want that to happen.
The unfolding story about the statue assassination of Tatarsky......so far.

This known anti-war Russian lady Darya Trepova who carried it out had developed contacts with pro-war reporters and even Tatarsky over months! She entered the event with the pro-war reporter she already had befriended, with the statue in a box and security let it in because of who she was with. She waited and stayed inside the cafe sitting near door end of room as the statue bomb went off...... She is an artist who makes ceramics and pottery herself!

In effect she was a suicide bomber and will spend the rest of her life in jail.....Russian security must have been following her for a while so the web she spun will be pulled apart. She is real psycho-girlfriend material and a bunny-boiler to be sure!
I just attended an evening lecture talking related to this. A University of Calgary team has created and analyzed a database looking at over 6 million tweets in the months leading up to and after the invasion and are continuing to add more. Not surprisingly, Russia has been amplifying tweets that support their cause but what I didn't realize was that they are amplifying not only left wingers that support Russia but also right wingers who they see as capable of sewing dissent in our institutions and governments.

It reinfoces that we need to continue to be vigilant in how we gather and disseminate information.

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