"All of Vlad's forces and all of Vlad's men, are out to put Humpty together again." (6 Viewers)

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It's too bad the Weimar Republic didn't work out, as I believe Britain, France, Italy, Germany and Poland may well have joined forces by the 1940s to counter an expansionist Stalin. We could have been shod of Russian aggression by now.
Not likely. The mess that was left over from WWI and Versailles pretty much put paid to that concept. The Blood Lands were going to be a war zone pretty no matter what. The only question was when. Hitler didn't create the circumstances rather he took advantage of hates, tensions and economic woes already present.
No outside verification yet but it's not implausible...


Putin is preparing a terrorist attack on the Chernobyl nuclear power plant

March 11, 2022
According to available information, Vladimir Putin has ordered the preparation of a terrorist attack at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. The Russian-controlled Chernobyl nuclear power plant plans to create a man-made catastrophe, for which the occupiers will try to shift responsibility to Ukraine.
Currently, the Chernobyl nuclear power plant is completely disconnected from the monitoring systems of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). The station is de-energized. The resource of available diesel generators is designed for 48 hours of maintenance of safety systems.
The occupiers refused to grant access to the station to Ukrainian repairmen. Instead, "Belarusian specialists" went there on the instructions of Alexander Lukashenko. Among them, under the guise of nuclear power plants, Russian saboteurs also come to organize a terrorist attack.
Edited because some people want to tell me what I mean. Let there not be any confusion.
I find it very poor form that it would be considered that I would support the Ukrainian invasion on any level.

Absolutely poor form.

That was not my intent. You are not the only one allowed to have sarcasm around here.

However, my apologies. I was honestly not implying you were supporting the invasion.
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Next time I'll inform you specifically of my sarcasm first so I don't get an equally dopey comment from you.
If my comment was dopey why are you apologizing below? You clearly implied support of the invasion and are now with good reason backtracking. I can only call it as I see it.
That was not my intent. However, my apologies. It was honestly not my intent to imply you were supporting the invasion.
You appear to have forgotten that the audience, not the writer decides the meaning of what's written. As the writer, if what's deciphered is not what you intended, that's on you.
In addition it looks like Putin is setting the stage for how he can pull out and stay in power.

Classic Russia - a few trials, a few executions and probably a few internal exiles after Tsar Putin claims he was mislead and status quo ante bellum.

The purges begin.

In other news…

If my comment was dopey why are you apologizing below? You clearly implied support of the invasion and are now with good reason backtracking. I can only call it as I see it.

You appear to have forgotten that the audience, not the writer decides the meaning of what's written. As the writer, if what's deciphered is not what you intended, that's on you.

I'm not backtracking on anything. I apologized to him in good faith because it was the right thing to do as it was not my intent. Its called a courtesy. I'm not an asshole. Besides, my post was directed to him (not you). Hense, why it was the right thing (and adult thing) to do in the sake of friendship and healthy debate. So why you feel the need to stir the pot when there is no reason is beyond me as it has nothing to do with you.

Nor did I "clearly imply support of the invasion." I simply was stating in a sarcastic manner that we either endure some hardships or we let them get away with it.

Who the hell are you to tell me (or anyone for that matter) what I implied or meant to say? I was not aware you were inside my thoughts.

Now if you have a problem with me then send it to me in a PM, stop distracting from the actual topic of the thread, and stop stirring up shit where there is none, and seriously, please stop making a mountain out of a mole hill.
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You appear to have forgotten that the audience, not the writer decides the meaning of what's written. As the writer, if what's deciphered is not what you intended, that's on you.

Not that I have a side in this disagreement, but in any communication, misunderstandings can equally-well be based on a mistaken understanding by the audience. Pinning it all on the writer ignores the fact that reading too is an art.

In short: a misunderstanding can arise from several sources ... not only the writer.
Not that I have a side in this disagreement, but in any communication, misunderstandings can equally-well be based on a mistaken understanding by the audience. Pinning it all on the writer ignores the fact that reading too is an art.

In short: a misunderstanding can arise from several sources ... not only the writer.

And thank you…

This really is an issue of misunderstanding that has been clarified. There is no need for anyone to stir the pot.

If you look at the photos, the difference is the same as the Ukrainian claims. This makes me more confident in the accuracy of their other claims.

I wonder what Ukraines capabilities are in regards to launching their own missile strikes? Belarus has troops in Ukraine and is allowing Russia to launch air strikes from within its borders. Ukraine would be justified in destroying those aircraft on the ground.
I wonder what Ukraines capabilities are in regards to launching their own missile strikes? Belarus has troops in Ukraine and is allowing Russia to launch air strikes from within its borders. Ukraine would be justified in destroying those aircraft on the ground.

Agree...but I suspect the Russian response would simply be to up the ante on the "shock and awe" they're imposing on the Ukrainian civilian population....if it's possible to be more indiscriminate than they already are.
Why did I hear the Bayraktar song in my mind while I was looking at those lines of aircraft?

That song goes through my mind a lot, too. :)

Seems that another Russian general has been killed:

Andrei Kolesnikov

Western officials have confirmed that a third Russian major general has been killed in Ukraine, adding that he was from Russia's eastern military district.
Officials didn't name the general, but earlier Ukraine's military said Maj Gen Andrei Kolesnikov, commander of the 29th army of Russia's eastern district, had been killed.
Analysts have previously said that the presence of high-ranking military figures on or near the battlefield could be a sign that Russia's operations are not going to plan.
Agree...but I suspect the Russian response would simply be to up the ante on the "shock and awe" they're imposing on the Ukrainian civilian population....if it's possible to be more indiscriminate than they already are.

Yeah, but if you are going to fight a war of survival you have to fight back and take away the aggressors ability to hurt you. That convoy that is now dispersed was a huge missed opportunity for example. How many days did it sit there?

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