"All of Vlad's forces and all of Vlad's men, are out to put Humpty together again." (5 Viewers)

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When just smoking isn't enough:


We've read reports last year that "Russians" fleeing the Ukrainian autumn offensive were turned back at the Russian border -- a clear indication that Moscow regarded them at that time as second-class "citizens".

I'd imagine that that made some sort of impact, how deep, who knows?
Internal passports and travel permits have a long history in Russia and the USSR. The czars, the commissars, the kaisers, and those of similar ilk have many things in common, but one of them is that people should stay put.
Internal passports and travel permits have a long history in Russia and the USSR. The czars, the commissars, the kaisers, and those of similar ilk have many things in common, but one of them is that people should stay put.

Very true, good point. How might these "liberated" Russo-Ukrainians react to it remains to be seen.

Also can't have people back in Russia finding out their Army ran away - after all they have been 'winning' since day one.

This comment got three "funny"s, but I think it's really apt. Similar in a way to how the Japanese sequestered Midway survivors under armed guard in order to prevent the truth of that defeat leaking out.
This comment got three "funny"s, but I think it's really apt. Similar in a way to how the Japanese sequestered Midway survivors under armed guard in order to prevent the truth of that defeat leaking out.
The wounded were quarantined, others were dispersed to front line assignments, in some cases, to areas with high casualty rates.

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