"All of Vlad's forces and all of Vlad's men, are out to put Humpty together again." (8 Viewers)

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Read up on Toba. The effects of shutting down sunlight for years, expelling massive quantities of SO2, ash covering global crops/rain forests/plains, etc.
Well... They - who? The voices of Ukrainians and Qirimlar (Crimean Tatars) were not heard. Actually, many Crimean Tatars supported the Allies.
Well... They - who? The voices of Ukrainians and Qirimlar (Crimean Tatars) were not heard. Actually, many Crimean Tatars supported the Allies.
We always forget about the Tartars and how badly Russian treated them in Crimea. That must be on Turkey's mind when Russian seized Crimea in 2014.

It's Fish and Chips night tonight. I shall enjoy the sauce.

And do not forget that prior to being PM Churchill was responsible for at least one British embarrassment.
More than a few. We all think of the Dardanelles, others the Bengal famine. For me, it's the sending of Force Z on a suicide mission and selling out Poland at Yalta - the whole reason Britain declared war in the first place.
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I've been seeing a recent swarm of "Russia jamming U.S. HIMARS" or "Russia jamming U.S. JADAMs" articles and they all seem to come from one source.

What interests me, is that *if* Russia is successfully jamming U.S. munitions' GPS, how is it that drones are still able to operate in the same airspace?

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