"All of Vlad's forces and all of Vlad's men, are out to put Humpty together again." (2 Viewers)

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A side effect that China hadn't considered, is that Japan, for the first time since WWII, is building a military that's no longer defensive.

Japan's position is such, that they have to consider national survival beyond that of U.S. protection in the region.

If I were in a position of authority in China's upper echelon, I'd be seeing the red flags put up not only by Japan's emerging military, but that of South Korea and especially India.

The CCP is playing a dangerous game who's only outcome will be a serious ass-kicking.

I agree. The Japanese have the industrial and moral strength to be a major challenge on their own. The South Koreans, newer to both democracy and wealth, may not be as stalwart but still pose a significant obstacle, given geography.

India is passive-hostile, preferring to sit on the sidelines, I think.

If I were in Beijing, looking out to a Pacific that is not friendly, I'd be courting Russia too.

As for any serious ass-kicking, if it comes down to Taiwan, the allied forces of America and Japan would likely suffer big losses as well. A big message of the Western support of Ukraine is of course that China trying to take Taiwan under a similar pretext might face a similar result.

As an aside, I dig and respect the Japanese putting another carrier in the water named Kaga. Much as the original may have hurt us, I like the fact that they're courting their own history.
Entirely agree but the only reason Prigozhin even has a voice is because Wagner was pushed into the spotlight due to the abysmal performance of the regular Russian military. Prigozhin, obviously, doesn't want to be the scapegoat and so his comments provide a form of insulation for the ongoing blame-game.

Prigozhin and the mil bloggers feel emboldened to speak at least a little more truth than the Kremlin because the latter's message has been such palpable nonsense. The multiple Peewee Herman memes in this thread ("I meant to do that") are testament to that simple fact. Had ANYTHING worked as planned for the Russian invasion, we wouldn't be seeing these fracture points.

I agree it's bubbling close to the surface. I just worry what will happen if/when it boils over.

Looks like it is close to boiling now.

Once again, it pays to read history books, even if it's only a child's picture book.

A "mega volcano" does not just affect a continent, it creates a global disaster.

And if Yellowstone (or California's Long Valley Caldera) erupts, Siberia will be one of the last places a person would want to seek refuge as the "nuclear winter" sets in.
On a smaller scale than a Yellowstone supervolcano, see Mount Tambora and the Year Without a Summer | Center for Science Education
Nor has the US.

I think we can be thankful for this, as it's unlikely (at least in my opinion) that such a war would not become very nuclear very quickly.
My thoughts exactly.
We're in the west can brag all we want, but fact is that few of the wars we fought gave the desired results. You can fill in the examples yourself. Of course the same is true for the Russians. I think any escalation of the current war will be a loss for both sides. There will be no clear winner.
My thoughts exactly.
We're in the west can brag all we want, but fact is that few of the wars we fought gave the desired results. You can fill in the examples yourself. Of course the same is true for the Russians. I think any escalation of the current war will be a loss for both sides. There will be no clear winner.
And that is due purely to weak leadership in every country right now. There are no Churchills nowadays. That's the scariest part of all, no leadership in anyplace that matters.
And that is due purely to weak leadership in every country right now. There are no Churchills nowadays. That's the scariest part of all, no leadership in anyplace that matters.
I don't believe that it's fully true. Once you resolve into violence, it's always going to end in tears. WW1 taught us that, unfortunately we never headed the lesson.

Or maybe it's weak leadership that brings us to that point? That's certainly true for Russia.

No blame on the Ukrainians though, this war was forced upon them.
A side effect that China hadn't considered, is that Japan, for the first time since WWII, is building a military that's no longer defensive.

Japan's position is such, that they have to consider national survival beyond that of U.S. protection in the region.

If I were in a position of authority in China's upper echelon, I'd be seeing the red flags put up not only by Japan's emerging military, but that of South Korea and especially India.

The CCP is playing a dangerous game who's only outcome will be a serious ass-kicking.
Population curves are negative in both Japan and South Korea. In another generation, those cultures will be dead.
Escalation, on the other hand...

I don't think China would ever dare to endanger it's current economical place for a little island!

Iran's Army is ill equipped and ill trained! If a war, with anyone, happens, a mass desertion will happen. Iranian people won't die for regime.

The IRGC and it's subordinate Terrorists can be bought by a few cents! Or some other ways.

North Korea ... When other allies are not doing anything, NK won't dare to do anything, because heavily relies on China and Russia.

Anywhere else, I didn't mention, my apologies, because lack of knowledge.
I don't believe that it's fully true. Once you resolve into violence, it's always going to end in tears. WW1 taught us that, unfortunately we never headed the lesson.

Or maybe it's weak leadership that brings us to that point? That's certainly true for Russia.

No blame on the Ukrainians though, this war was forced upon them.
Surely it's a weak leadership! And "lust". Lust for power and money. They even can't "manage" their own country! How they want to "act" as "world leaders"?

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