"All of Vlad's forces and all of Vlad's men, are out to put Humpty together again." (4 Viewers)

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''...Ukraine has been promised at least 80 used F-16s from Denmark, the Netherlands, Norway, and Belgium. The U.S. is not providing any aircraft but had to give permission for the American-made fighters to be transferred and is helping arm the Vipers with air-to-surface munitions and air-to-air missiles, including the stalwart AIM-120 AMRAAM...''

Yeah, this drinking game of having a shot every time a Russian threatens nuclear war or similar is getting dangerous

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As we say at a pool-table, "Quit talkin' and start chalkin'."
My favorite part, is where Moscow is crying to everyone that they're fighting NATO.

Nope, not even close.

They're fighting a well equipped and very determined nation who will not submit to Putin's dream of a new USSR.

*IF* Russia were actually fighting NATO, there would be absolutely no mistaking who was wiping his entire military off the face of the planet...

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