Aluminum paint for B-17 G

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...or maybe it was a B-29. This gives an idea of what I was talking about...1/48 Monogram B-29 by Curt Waffle

That's a beautiful job, but I think that is way above my modeling skills. This will be my first build in nearly 50 years, so I need to keep it simple as possible. Can you tell me what, besides the cockpit glass I could leave out for a peek at the interior?
There are not many options if you don't want to do a cutaway. If your motive us to show off the interior then you need to give away some form of realism. Leaving the glass out will allow a BIT more of the interior to be seen but you are now giving up some realism since there was always glass in those positions except for the small sliding panes. You can also leave the crew access hatches open.
Shouldn't be too hard to open up the fuselage. If you have a Dremel, cut along the panel lines. Instead of a Dremel, chain drill small holes inside of the panel lines you want to remove. Join the holes together with a hobby knife and then tidy up with files and sand paper. Just a rough idea of which panel lines I would open up...

That makes sense. I guess I'll just build it stock, maybe do another sometime. Thanks for the advice.
If at some point in the future, you want to build another, with the interior visible, then there is the Revell / Monogram 'visible' version of the kit, with one fuselage half moulded in clear plastic. This, of course, could be painted, but with some areas left clear in order to view the interior.
Have a look at the "Fearless Fosdick" build in the "Start to Finish" threads, where Night Fighter Nut is doing just this, adding extra detail too.

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