Among the best WWII submarine movies EVER

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Feb 23, 2014
Katy Texas
-I agree; great movie.
-If you can find it, read the book the movie was based on. Written by Commander Denys Rayner, DSC w/Bar, VRD, RNVR, based on his extensive service during the Battle of the Atlantic.
-Hollywood, of course, had to change the destroyer from RN to USN.
-The book is quite different from the movie: the U-boat captain is nowhere near the semi-sympathetic character played by Curt Jurgens.
-Go to The Enemy Below for a synopsis.
most striking inaccuracy in this movie is age of U-boot's captain - in reality for type VII most if not all captains were in the age of 25 at best, for type IX medium age of commander was 30+, and i dont think any of frontline u-boot commander was older than 35...

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