An accident or...

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That was not a weapon that caused that.

That was some form of accident and probably was caused by jet fuel. If that was a weapon it would have caused more damage than that and not only to the aircraft but to the ground as well.

You see the thing in the back on 4 wheels on some of the pictures that is also burnt up, that is an AGPU. It is basically an external power source. It can be used to give electical power or even to start engines or deice aircraft. We used them also for our Blackhawks. My guess would be that had something to do with the accident and it was probably on start up or during maintenace on the aircraft. Electical spark meets Jet Fuel....
They dont necessarily have to be. I have seen aircraft burnt up and the tires were not flattened. Same with the AGPU. We had one go up in flames at our base and nothing happened to the wheels.
The whole tarmac is charred, the plane is basically gutted to include the aluminum skin...and the rubber tires are not flat, melted or showing significant fire damage? Rubber tires made from petroleum?

I'm not arguing that it was a bomb. Clearly looks like a flammable liquid fire to me. But the tires stick out like a sore thumb. Interesting.

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