And Now For Something Completely Different

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Yes! One of the fun things about that project is putting in all kinds of parts from some of my favorite models.

Monogram 1/48 P-61 gun turret
Hawk 1/48 T-33A canopy, cockpit interior, J-33 engine, and decals
Monogram 1/48 P-38 radar pod, radar display unit and stores pylons

As well as a JVC stereo speaker grill and tweeter grill and the bottoms of Coke cans as MLG fairings and landing pads and the guts of a 1940's 5Y3 vacuum tube as the "drive" which is visible thorough a bottom hatch.

And some LEDs for the nav lights, cockpit lighting, and blinking lights from the space drive. I plan a diorama, with rocket and gun pods made from Hawk T-33 tip tanks, Ground Support Equipment, and a 1949 Ford Woodie station wagon.
Nice but doesn't look anything like the machine that went slowly and silently over our car about 100 feet high on that hill above Sunset Park near Claysville in South Western Pennsylvania back in the 1960s.
Nice but doesn't look anything like the machine that went slowly and silently over our car about 100 feet high on that hill above Sunset Park near Claysville in South Western Pennsylvania back in the 1960s.

I checked and our logbooks show that one was not one of ours.

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