Another What do you do in the Military Thread.....

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Oh crap,Les coolit, Sh*t, You should wait till I reply before you go off like that, I said shut up in a joking manner but did not make it clear and for that I apologise to the post.

And to every1 my punctuation and spelling errors have a tendancy to make my comments sound rude,disrespectful, insulting and so on when that was not my intention.

and Les dont even try to itimidate me with threats like "Ill shove those words up your ass". I was out of Highschool in 87 and so I can assure you I am not a poser.

And NS I was with the PPCLI in Afganistan, I might go there again, because I am not going to endure another 6 months at A.L.E.R.T
Right, the PPCLI. 3rd Battalion then. You must have been in the first roto then, huh?

What do the Loyal Eddies do at Alert? Since when do they send militia types up there? What, are you training with the Rangers or something?
Say, there's a thread in the NAAFI PX forum for military members past or present to post pics of themselves in uniform. Got any to share?

First Off its army reserves not militia, Trudeu did out with most of our militia years ago, Reserves can easily volunteer their services and usually will be integrated with regs, In my case I like the overseas pay so I would prefer to go to Afghanistan where civilazation still is, and about photos of myself sorry I still use film,

But if you dont beleive what I say then ask me anything about the army that no civilian would know.

and again to everybody I apologize for the misunderstanding, and thank you to the veterans.
102first_hussars said:
First Off its army reserves not militia, Trudeu did out with most of our militia years ago,
Ah. Shows what I know. Most of the boys around here still use the handle "militia" when describing themselves. Must be just a tradition thing with some of the local Reserve regiments.

102first_hussars said:
But if you dont beleive what I say then ask me anything about the army that no civilian would know.
What, am I asking too many friggin' questions or something?
No, it just seems that you are insinuating something.
You are welcome to ask me anything about my job, just be carefull I have a sixth sense for catching codescending attitude.

anyway I see what you meen about "Militia" we just dont call it that because there is Militia in Edmonton, so we stick to terms like
Aux's or Weekenders; stuff like that.
102first_hussars said:
No, it just seems that you are insinuating something.
You are welcome to ask me anything about my job, just be carefull I have a sixth sense for catching codescending attitude.
Oh? I thought I was being fairly direct. Well alright then, I'll keep my questions more direct from now on. I don't know how much more direct I can make them though.

Ok, here's one. What made you want to leave the reg force and join the reserves? Honest enough question for ya?

102first_hussars said:
anyway I see what you meen about "Militia" we just dont call it that because there is Militia in Edmonton
And what does that mean? You lost me there.
I left the JTF because I cant handle the physical aspect anymore Im too old. and I just want to be lazy and sit around the house posting on this site 5 days a week

What I meant is that there is still a militia group in Alberta, and Im not in the Militia Im in the reserves, so we just nickname the reserves the Aux's or the weekenders, and we just call the militia the dumbasses who dont know the difference between a rifle and a gun.
okay what to they call the flights to alert and alert is to far north for any other human like rangers i think
fly alert airlines we only fly south
Right, so the local regiments are militia then. I didn't think I was losing my mind.
I checked with a buddy earlier today, and he verified it. There are three of them in Nova Scotia:

- The Nova Scotia Highlanders
- The Princess Louise Fusiliers
- The West Nova Scotia Regiment

You're right about one thing. Those fellas couldn't find their asses with a map.

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