Any authors here?

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Yes, I wrote "THE SECRET HORSEPOWER RACE" (MORTONS) and also "Turbo/Supercharger Compressors and Turbines for Aircraft Propulsion in WWII - Theory, History and Practice, Guidance from the Past - for Modern Engineers and Students." (ASME).

Although the 2nd one is half translation (mine) of a German professors memoirs and was co-authored with Dr Gülen who added a lot of stuff on turbines and revised most of the mathematics. (Kollmann became Chief Engineer at Daimler-Benz in about Nov 1944, and I befriended his son, hence obtaining the German manuscript). This book is not recommended to anyone allergic to algebra.

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This link works i think.[link removed by admin]
Thanks for posting that. I don't know why mine didn't work. I've always been an aviation guy, but 60's rock is my real specialty. I do a radio show on WSRX-FM here in Sussex County, NJ that's all 60's rock.
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I just joined this forum, but I've perused it once and a while, and it seems to be frequented by some pretty knowledgeable folk. How many of you are aviation authors? Sound off...
I'm not truly an 'aviation writer' - but I did complete and publish my late father's memoir "From Coastal Command to Captivity" about his time in RAF Coastal Command and his attack on the Scharnhorst in July 1941, followed by nearly four years in various POW camps including Stalag Luft III.

I'm just happy we have some really impressive and knowledgable people on this site with much more specialist information than anywhere else!
Yes indeed, that's the book. It can also be found cheaper than that on another Amazon listing:

Amazon product ASIN 1526796929
And one can order direct from Pen and sword, too, of course:

As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases.
Remember guys, trading is not allowed on the forum, thus links to sell-sites are in principle forbidden.
Oops. Many apologies for this. I'll attach a picture of the book cover I've taken myself.


  • IMG_0680.jpeg
    1.7 MB · Views: 13
Hohoho hooooo hold your horses right there.

Cant we talk about that like ... well.. people??

Selling stuff in my humble opinion is trading goods.

A heads up for a book like you do or ...well any author should be applauded. I hope most if not all will agree.

There must be exception of the rules for valued writers like yourself and for that matter all mentioned above.

Please dont get hot headed. Lets try and work it out

horseUSA your thought on this as owner would be nice.
An exception for writers cant be bad now.

Please wait FalkeEins
Trust me, I did not do that lightly. We discussed this in the team first.

We need to set rules. We have no problem with you posting an update about your projects and personally I don't have problems with your link to buy your personal product. But the problem is that if we allow you to post those links, we create a grey area in the rules. It means that we will create loopholes in the rules which will be a pain in the butt to manage. I'm afraid you're here the victim of some your fellow human beings who will (and have) take advantage of any loophole in the rules they can find.

Having said that, I'm all for supporting the aviation authors. If you have a good idea how we could achieve that without muddying up the rules, we are open for discussions.
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Surely a fairly simple rule is that if the author is ASKED to provide a link, or invited to comment on a thread ABOUT the books they`ve written, it cant be difficult to allow that.

If the author posts links to "buy my stuff" uninvited or out of context, the it is removed.


"What steel was used in the Fw 190 landing gear ?"

"I wrote a book on that and here is the AMAZON link !"

Is clearly in context but uninvited, so banned


"What about Fw 190 Landing Gear, what is a good book about it ?"

"I wrote a book on Spitfires and here is the AMAZON link !"

Is clearly invited, but out of context so also banned.
First, lets not go crazy here. We are not "heavy handed." We are simply trying to do our best to stay within the rules, as well as protect our membership. The rules were put in place many years ago for a reason.

Now, having said that. We are not asshole dictators. We are more than willing to always review things based on the feedback from our membership. Please allow us some time to discuss this as a team.
So now this is going somewhere. That is very good.
I do see why the admins are strict in the rules. I do.
But golly. Writers ( and i mean writers of books and well known authors like FalkeEins ) drop a link surely the admins and owner of this great site can make a distinction.

Truly hope that, those guys in my eyes, should be allowed to give a heads up when they have something related to ww2 air things to mentioned are not only allowed but welcomed..

It would be i think a great benefit to this site , the hobby and just interesting.

I do hope there can be a sensible middle and there can be an agreement.

After all i, and i think a lot of us, do like well written pieces of our hobby and can make a distinction between twaddle and welll written scripts.

Hope it will pan out for the best.
We're discussing. We won't come up with a solution overnight. But there is much more to this than you guys realise, I think.

But we're not against posting information about or covers of the books. Only direct links to webshops is the problem.

One remark: One should ask himself what such a link would add to that in a world where an interested person can then easily use a Google search to find a place to buy the book (especially when it is on Amazon).

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