Any Japanese claims on 10 July 1945?

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Senior Airman
Nov 3, 2023
On the 10 July 1945 I found these losses:

Jul. 10, 1945, B-29 (#42-93939, 314BW, 6BG) crashed offshore Hesaki, Moji-shi (present
Kitakyushu-shi), Fukuoka- ken.
Note: Mission No.256 (Targets: Kanmon Strait, Niigata and Nanao. 31 B-29s sortied from
313 BW and 1 was lost)
11 crewmembers including Robert R. SCHMIDT (A/C) were killed. The bodies of Sgt. Andre
JACQUES and Sgt. Robert STRIKLAND who had drowned were washed ashore Hesaki,
Moji-shi and buried there. The US forces recovered them in Jun. 1946.
Sgt. Jack J. ROY was rescued by the Japanese Navy Destroyer Fuyutsuki near Kanmon Strait,
and sent to Seibu A/D HQ in Fukuoka. He was executed by beheading in Aburayama in the
suburbs of Fukuoka City on Aug. 10.

Jul. 10, 1945, P-51 (#44-63883, nicknamed Blondie & the Flying Web-Foot, ditched near
Uji Islands, Kagoshima-ken.
F/O Elmer R. ZIEGLER was killed.

Jul. 10, 1945, P-47 (507FG, 464SQ) crashed offshore Amami-Oshima, Island Kagoshimaken.
Maj. Frank J. COLLINS got out of the plane and was drifting in a rubber raft. He was taken
prisoner in Tokuno-shima Island.

Jul. 10, 1945, Japanese fighters attacked P-47 (507FG, 464SQ) while it was supporting the
rescue operation for Maj. COLLINS (see above), and crashed in the sea near Amami-Oshima,
F/O Neal T. McGINNIS was killed.

Jul. 10, 1945, B-25 (#44-30344, 41BG) crashed between Aira-gun, Kagoshima-ken and
All 5 crewmembers including 1/Lt. William L. CHASE (A/C) were killed.

Firstly, does anybody have more information on F/O Neal T. McGINNIS? I can't find any information about him so does anybody have his MACR number or more details?

Secondly, I can't find any Japanese victory claims this day for either the Army or Navy so if somebody knows any Japanese victories on this day and location we can work out who shot these planes down.


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