Any Luft 46 out there?

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Sep 5, 2005
I'm really interested in Luft 46 and think its fascinating.

I just wondered if anyone had any reccomendations of kits to build and even pictures of these great planes!
Cheers Wayne!

Th luft 46 revell kits havent been in production for the last few years? Are they fairly hard to find?

I love the arado e555.
There was a guy out of Virginia a few years ago that was selling Luft 46 type kits on Ebay. Theye were plastic bagged and I think made in Poland or somewhere similar. Don't know if hes still around or even if they make them anymore.
took a couple of pics today for you...especially love the E555 it's a very nice kit.
Not sure how hard any of them are to find, anywhere at the moment?


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bader , i have the e mail of dan johnston, he has a web site (luff 46,) he,s helped me out alot on the luff 46 stuff if you want it, e mail me ,ok , this is his home e-mail he get,s into it big time and would help you out on any questions, or pics , also seen luff 46 models on dragon model site , randy

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