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Jun 13, 2008
If you want an aeronautical picture to please your pc, get some nice oilpainted desktop pic by Lucio Perinotto here : Perinotto avions civils

Then take a few moment to visit the Thierry Deckker site.
The frontier between high def colour photos and 2D warbirds profiles get thiner each month with this illustrator : DEKKER-ARTWORK
Few profiles are available on this blog, but this guy made hundreds for several publishers.
Let him a little message if you like his work, he will appreciate.

Hope you'll like them.
Mr.Thierry Dekker is a genious of artwork.
I'm still appreciating his technical advice on my work a few years ago.
Thanks again


  • Salute_to_the_Commander_S.JPG
    24.9 KB · Views: 184
Yes, nice perspective view Shinpachi.
Could you tell us how, how did you composed it ?
Is there some photographic elements inside or only graphic creation (except the man of course) ?
Which ship is the turret from ? It looks like Yamato model made for the nice movie.
Hi, Wayne and Tao-san. How do you do?

Yes, it's the turret of Yamato of the movie set.
It's my wonder why you two can hit the right answer so easily.
I much respect.

The photo is, of course, a montage.

Picture of Yamato is by courtesy of my friend Mr.Okano.
Two zeros and the back sea are my CG work and -
The person showing his back is nobody but Thierry Dekker!

Thank you for your interests
Hi, Wayne and Tao-san. How do you do?

Yes, it's the turret of Yamato of the movie set.
It's my wonder why you two can hit the right answer so easily.

1-I had chance to see the movie few weeks ago, not bad at all, I loved the music.
2-The administrator of a virtual japanese squadron flying with Il2 game, the 343rd Kokutaï, showed us videos taken on Nippon TV programme dedicated to modelers, I couldn't read the name in japanese.
This programme offer to take up a challenge, a professional model maker must realise a model kit or a diorama within a set time limit. One of these challenge was to create the area where is docked the scaled Yamato used for the movie. The stuff was a 1/700° scale model kit, scratch at modeler disposal and photos of the area.
Great programme, that's why the Yamato's turrets were in my mind, and when you've seen one time this majestic ship, you can't forget her.
Ah, It's a modellers' competition TV program maybe.
They are beautifully crazy!

Here is a nice color pic of Yamato I have tinted though I can't compete with such modellers.

Thank you Tao-san, Il2 and Nippon TV


  • Yamato1941.JPG
    66.2 KB · Views: 163
Hi Wayne! You know Japanese warships very well.
I really admire...

Here is one more shot for your guess


  • Zero_USS_Missouri1945.JPG
    55.7 KB · Views: 151
These are famous photos, good idea to colourize them. Like if a time machine brought new pictures from the past.
How do you choose the colour to use, I mean does it exist a program or system to interprete and convert the greys range into colours ?
Or is it pure feeling with logic ?
Nice work.
Thank you Tao-san for your fantastic comment "Like if a time machine brought new pictures from the past". That is what I always want to express in my CG working.

Here is my working table image.
The first step is to break the grey factor into the three basic colors of RGB.
Then reconstruct the image layer by layer. Yes, all processings are my handmade.

Your question has got to the point.
I believe you are a well experienced artist.


  • Working_table00.JPG
    81.6 KB · Views: 155
Thank you Wayne for your comment. It always engourages me.

The warship was USS Missouri.
The left wing-end of the zero hit the ship and span to explode on the deck.
Shinpachi said:
Your question has got to the point.
I believe you are a well experienced artist.
That's very kind, thank you Shinpachi, but I'm not.
I'm just the guy who always want to know the ... how, ... why, in fact what's cooking behind, that's all
If there is an artist it's you, you've done the job ...
Hi Tao-san. Thank you for your modest comment.

In other words, you are observing things like an artist or a scientist!
You can be a good artist at least, I believe

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