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Grave of Robert Qasabian (1911, Tbilisi, Ducky of Georgia, Russian Empire --- 1971, Tehran, Iran), An Armenian teacher of Armenian Language. Engraved on his tomb, are the Armenian Alphabet Capital letters.

Grave of Captain Zare Lukasian, An Air Force Pilot, KIFA November 20, 1951. Notice that his name is written in both Armenian and Persian.

A wild guess, I think he has served in Soviet AF, back in WW2! Does someone know any where to search for Soviet Aviators of WW2?
I've found these 3d metal models in a bookstore, in Enghelab street.

Type 92 Battalion Gun

GMC 2.5T 6*6 Truck

DF-11 Missile Carrier

Non-Military, but personal favourite,

3d Harp model

Have you ever tried metal 3d models? If yes, are these ok to start with?

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