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Senior Airman
Dec 20, 2012
I am on the road heading home after 3 months of being a "snow bird" in the sunny south, and received the following information from the museum I volunteer at. After rumors in 1959, that one of the arrows flew out of Toronto before the torches cut up all of the CF-105's, it seems to be true. The Canadian Warplane Heritage Museum has acquired this escapee, plans are being made to restore it. Great News!!

I hope I'm wrong but that picture looks like a fake. When blown up the Arrow looks like a model with over sized panel lines. The nose cone also looks photo shopped into that crate


  • arrow escapee 1.jpg
    83.2 KB · Views: 133
  • arrow escapee 2.jpg
    69.5 KB · Views: 120
Sorry guys. The museum did own-up and admitted it was an April fools post. Damn them. I did not realize what day it was as I was returning back home. I should have realized when they said they would just taxi it. We have a Vampire that with a few months work would be airworthy again, gut they have no interest in this venture. I guess all arrowheads had a shot of adrenaline when they saw this. OH, if it was only true!

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