Avro Lincoln conversion kit 1/72

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Airman 1st Class
Feb 26, 2007
Hello all,

I own the Airfix 1/72 scale Lancaster and would love to convert it to the Lincoln having already built three Lanc's with yet another apart from this one waiting for construction, I think a Lincoln will be that something a bit different, now I have found a conversion kit but I though it would be better to ask here which is the best reasonably priced one for a student on a budget? I intend to do my Lincoln as the one at RAF Museum Cosford.

Thankyou in advance
Theres a conversion kit for a Lincoln? Didn't even know one existed! would be most interested if there is one

I thought I was gonna have to scratch build heaps of things
Like Wayne, I can't help with your choice. I've never used conversion kits, but there used to be ones from, I believe, Contrail and I think Airwaves. The Flightpath stuff should be good, but they tend to be expensive. I'll check through my old magazines, as there was a feature on this conversion not long ago, about 25 years I think!
If I find it, I'll post any useful bits.
29 quid Evan!? ,thats like a 100 bucks over here -This hobbys expensive!!

I've got an article too Terry in an old Airfix magazine from the 80's of a Lincoln conversion ,Is this the one you speak of?
The Airfix magazine one is one I thought of, but no longer have, I don't think, so please post it. I do have one in an old copy of SAM, which is more a feature, with profiles etc, but I'm sure will include details of conversion kits.
The two together should help Lanc, I think!
That's why I just said 'hoping' Daniel.. for me it's about 4 day's pay!!!

Therefore it will be chaeper if you have these parts scratch-built.Sometimes a model conversion seems to be expensive but using some different materials and techinques it is possible to achieve a good effect without spending addirional money.

Sweet as ,will get it scanned sometime in the next couple of days-now to find it again in 'the pile'

Therefore it will be chaeper if you have these parts scratch-built.Sometimes a model conversion seems to be expensive but using some different materials and techinques it is possible to achieve a good effect without spending addirional money.

I'm with you mate -Stuff buying a $280 model when you can buy a $40 model and have some fun scratch building! hey and you also save $240 for other kits

That's why I just said 'hoping' Daniel.. for me it's about 4 day's pay!!!

personally I'd scratch build and save the money for other kits -That article of mine will come in great handy .Old Airfix magazines are bloody good for this sorta thing

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