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Nonsense. Huge windstorm hit the inland northwest and knocked our house off the grid; we've been without mains power and phone/DSL for six days. S'all fixed now though.
Thanks. We actually have a 30kW generator installation to keep the well, kitchen, furnaces, etc. running when things like this happen, so it wasn't a huge emergency for us, but six days without sweet, sweet internet access is aggravating. We actually should have had power back two days ago but the power company forgot to reconnect a jumper cable in one of the boxes after restringing a downed line. Apparently we've had phone since then too; it occurred to me to check this morning if we had a dial tone at the demarcation box, which we did, and I spent an hour trying to figure out what broke - apparently a surge during the storm smoked a choke coil on our DSL filter board. It'll need to be replaced but for right now I have it jumped with an alligator lead so that I can use the web.

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