Looking for a picture of reconfigured B-17 repainted all black, used for dropping supplies to Resistance in France and other partisans in Italy'44, Balkans and Germany '45.
Nose turret was changed. Also the ball turret removed for dropping OSS agents, leaflets, and cannisters containing ammo, and other supplies.
Uncle shot down, fought with French resistance, received dropped supplies, later flew secret missions dropping them from these planes.
885th Sq, later changed to 2641st (Provisional)(special).
Nose turret was changed. Also the ball turret removed for dropping OSS agents, leaflets, and cannisters containing ammo, and other supplies.
Uncle shot down, fought with French resistance, received dropped supplies, later flew secret missions dropping them from these planes.
885th Sq, later changed to 2641st (Provisional)(special).