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Oh, not cowardice surely. Hesitancy, excessive conservatism, indecision, maybe; cowardice is reserved for people who have to actually do the fighting, not for their generals. The only thing they have at stake are their careers...

Like LG pointed out, the fact that the attack was already a raging success, with few losses, plus the threat of those missing carriers, probably meant his choice was the sensible one at the time (given the info he had).
Hind sight is 20/20. People attack Spruance for being too cautious and Halsey for being too aggressive. And whatever else you might say about the Japanese, the were EXTREMELY courageous and there was little cowardice among them.
i realise that, i was just pointing out that some would redard that sort of "hit and run" attack isn't the manly thing to do.......................
Oh, come on, Lancs. Unless the objective is to invade and hold territority, just about any attack (and almost ALL attacks from the air) are "hit and run". It's not like, say, the Dambusters flew in circles over their target after dropping the bombs to be manly.
Or the Mosquitoes you fellows brag about so much. Using speed to run into and away from a target may not be "manly" as you put it, but it is smart!
I don't think you can debate with Lanc about that, parrot. He did say that some might consider it, not that he considered it. Looking back we know another attack would have been better for him, and studying it, it seems that would be the best choice.
They didn't know then, everything is a risk in war. They had already taken a huge risk and it paid off, they weren't looking to take another one and try their luck.
So given the information available to Nagumo: 1) they had inflicted considerable damage to the Pacific Fleet, 2) they had suffered very few casualties and, 3) the American carriers were completely unaccounted for he probably made the right decision BASED ON that knowledge.

No, you're absolutely right. I read Lanc's post to mean that he felt the whole Pearl Harbor attack was cowardly because it was a hit and run strike... Sorry for the misreading.

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