B-24H info needed

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Jul 6, 2024
New poster here doing some research.

Serial 42-7470 was the plane my great uncle was flying when they were shot down October 8, 1943 on the 392nd BG's mission to Vegesack. All ten men were KIA. I didn't know it was one of the first few H models off the line at Willow Run. Thanks for providing some dates for the narrative of his life and service.


Exterminator (42-7470) at Wendling, England

On October 8, the Eighth Air Force executed a three-pronged attack on German U-boat yards at Bremen and aircraft factories at Vegesack. Heading for Bremen, the 1st Air Division's B-17s flew a direct route over Holland while the 3rd Air Division's Fortresses came in from the North Sea. The third element, targeting Vegesack, also took a North Sea route and consisted of B-24s from the 2nd Air Division

P l/LT Clifford, William W. KIA
CP 2/LT Schroeder, Harold R. KIA
N 2/LT McLemore, Paul L. KIA
B 2/LT Whitnah, Joseph C. KIA
R/O T/S Willhite, Max R. KIA
EnG T/S Tynes, David D. Jr KIA
NG T/S Zschiesche, Charles E. KIA
WG S/S Cavell, Dominick F. KIA
WG S/S Stevens, Hirschall M. KIA
TG S/S Tweten, Ernest A. KIA

brief remarks that were associated with this aircrew's loss was that the aircraft was attacked by enemy fighters in the vicinity of coast out, north of the target at Vegesack after the Group attacked this target. No German reports were available on the final situation regarding this crew and the Liberator. It could be concluded only that this aircrew went down just off shore into the North Sea waters, and never recovered.

579th Sqdn pilot 2/Lt William P. Nicholson was flying very near to 1/Lt Clifford's plane. In February 1949, he provided a statement regarding what he witnessed and thought about their fate.

INDIVIDUAL ACCOUNTS OF CREWMEN FATES: None are available in the MACR account.

BURIAL RECORDS: No German reports exist. U.S. National Cemetery reports listing these crew members are as noted: At CAMBRIDGE, England on the WALL OF THE MISSING are the names of: Whitnah; Zschiesche; Willhite; Tynes; and Cavell.On the WALL at the NETHERLANDS (Margraten) Cemetery are: Clifford; McLemore; Schroeder; Stevens and Tweten. All members are noted to have been awarded Air Medals and the Purple Heart.

NEXT OF KIN DATA IN WWII: The listing records these relatives: Clifford (Mother, Mrs. Frank Clifford of Louisville, Kentucky); Schroeder (Mother, Mrs Buelah Schroeder of Westphalia, Missouri); McLemore (Father, Mumford McLemore of Salem, Indiana); Whitnah (Mother, Beatrice Whitnah of Berkeley, California); Willhite (Father, Ralph Willhite of Fredonia, Kansas); Tymes (Father, David Tymes of Bluefield, West Virginia); Cavell (Mother, Frances of Bayside, Long Island, New York); Stevens (Wife, Gwendolyn of Mansfield, Ohio); and Tweten (Mother, Sarah Tweten of Bamburg, North Dakota.


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