B-24J's and SSGT. Jandreau of the 8th AF

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Oct 2, 2008

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277kb .jpg

high res 1.7 mb .png

The B-24's are rendered from my 3d model and then manipulated in photoshop, as well as the 8th AF logo.
the cgi "pastel" portrait was derived from this original photo.

For those who don't know, S-SGT. Rudolph Jandreau was Trebor's great uncle. He flew six missions on the Southern Comfort III (42-50896) GJ-Bar-R and at least one on the Joplin Jalopy (42-50535) GJ-Bar-O as part of the 40 missions over western Europe he flew under Lt. George Insley along with mostly the same crew.
I......am at a great loss for words......not even what I had planned in mind could compare to this....thank you so very much....*wipes tears away* I can't wait to share this with all of my family....

God bless you....
heh, more tha likely the plane was named after the drink I'd not mind having a sip of that drink tho.

heh, I dunno, Les. it depends if I feel up to it or not. I may work on the aircraft carrier a lil bit more today, go bike riding, or work on the sig. XD
I decided: it's a nice day, so I'm bike riding! hehe. besides I already got that pic as my background

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