B-25 vs. Ju-88

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That thing looks a lot bulkier compared to normal B-25s. And one test landing is hardly enough to prove that the machine could handle carrier landings day in, day out.

Actually flyboyj is the one I listen too because unlike any of you, he has worked on the old warbirds AND HE QUOTED a source that could prove me wrong.

Just because YOU claim to know better dont mean anythign UNTILL you show a source.
plan_D said:
That thing looks a lot bulkier compared to normal B-25s. And one test landing is hardly enough to prove that the machine could handle carrier landings day in, day out.

How can you look at a picture and say it looks bulkier? You have x-ray vision?

For the record, the AJ-1 Savage was a three engined aircraft. There was a turbojet in the rear fuselage.
syscom3 said:
The reason it was discontinued was there was nowhere to stow the plane on the carrier. I dont even think the Roosevelt class carriers had elevators big enough to handle them even with folding wings.

Which means it would not be carrier operable! Read your own post!
syscom3 said:
Actually flyboyj is the one I listen too because unlike any of you, he has worked on the old warbirds AND HE QUOTED a source that could prove me wrong.

You dont quote sources either! You bring up crap that shows your lack of knowledge and dont show a source but it requires a source from someone else!

Come on now Syscom as I said before, atleast the majority of us members will admit to being wrong or learning something that we do not know, or the fact that we dont know at all.

syscom3 said:
Just because YOU claim to know better dont mean anythign UNTILL you show a source.

Go get an A&P Liscense or Aeronautical Engineer Degree and then come back and talk to me.

You right I have never worked on WW2 warbirds but atleast I work, fix, and fly on planes and not simulators and claim to know everything.
I never said you had to listen to me, although I know I'm right because it's common sense. But you do not listen to Adler, Glider or anyone else with aircraft experience. And Glider was in the FAA! As Glider says, physics hasn't changed. And Flyboy has never worked on the B-25.

You haven't provided a single source, syscom. And just look at the B-25, look at the depth of the fuselage.

I have reached the point where I really don't care discussing this with you anymore, cause you obviously haven't got a clue what you're talking about. You sound like some dumb hunter who has tried chronograph'ing his two completely different rifles with soft point hunting ammunition. Well wake up Jank, we're talking military rifles and ammunition here.

Your ignorance on this subject also completely shines through when you try to compare pistols with rifles, something only some dumb texan gun-nut/hunter would do. (And even worse its revolvers which you are comparing rifles with !)

And about your dis-satisfaction with my mentioning of Supersonic velocities, obviously all you're looking for is to be right, and the more brutal your posts sound the better, well that's just childish and stupid Jank ! What would you have wanted me to say ? Hypersonic velocities ?

Also don't try to lecture me on military small-arms, you can perhaps attempt to discuss it with me when you've tried operating them for three decades, otherwise I suggest you just keep your hands off the keyboard.

I also suggest you get out abit Jank, talk to people who shoot full power military rifles and ammunition on a daily basis, learn about their experiences, cause then you'll realize that even a variation as small as 5 fps between 5-10 rifle rounds is in reality a common event - and between two identically designed and good quality rifles, a variation of just 5 fps is common as-well. (As I said me and my buddy's M48's usually don't vary any more than 15-20 fps between each other with the old turk stuff)

And to your last comment; Yes Jank, I completely disagree with you.

Oh, and go ahead and have the last word, I don't give a rats a**, cause I'm out this discussion, period.
To get this thread back to some original discussions, does anyone have a break down on the Ju-88A-4 bomb load verses range data? I have couple of points for the A-1, 620 miles w/3600lbs and 1550 miles w/2200lbs, but only max for the A-4 of around 5500lbs (with no range). I know the A-4 has larger engines but also has a higher empty weight. I kind of suspect that the A-4 would still fall a bit short of the 2000 miles and 2000lbs of bombs that was the requirement of the Tokyo raid.

Also of note, I understand that the B-25 was not really stripped (defensive armament removed) and loaded with max fuel until they had to launch 300 miles short.

Another note, launching from a carrier was greatly aided by the ship itself. Airflow over the wings on the carrier deck had been measured at 45 kts. during a test run. I suspect that the take off speed was not a whole lot faster than that. Indeed, most of the B-25 jumped off the deck, except one who had forgotten to set the flaps (you can see pictures of this one settling towards the water until finally gaining altitude).

As I mentioned, my source was one of Doolittle raiders who mentioned that they were origionally going to fly back to the carriers untill the idea was nixed by the Navy.

He was talking to me (among others) at a 50th anniversary gathering.
syscom3 said:
As I mentioned, my source was one of Doolittle raiders who mentioned that they were origionally going to fly back to the carriers untill the idea was nixed by the Navy.

He was talking to me (among others) at a 50th anniversary gathering.
Go to the Raider's site and half a dozen other sites about the raid and that's never mentioned. Maybe he knew something Doolittle didn't?!?

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