B-25 weapons thread

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Found this on my hard drive, guessing source is web. Not sure if they where trying to add armor or what the deal. Possible battle damage patch.

So I have been looking at this photo for a while now. Note the camera man is free holding the camera. Both in the Med and in China I know that the bottom turrnet was removed and in some instances it was replaced with a single or double 30 caliber machine guns. Note the bracket over the hole. I am wondering if this isn't one of them with the 30 caliber machine gun removed so they could take pictures with the camera. If so it would be one of the only sources I have seen as far as showing the mounting brackets for this type of setup.


Thanks Paul

Well unfortunently this is not my bracket I was looking for. Took me quite a few manuals before I could find something to match the bracket but here it is. Oh well the search continues.


Afternoon Yves,

Well the question we had talked about with the hole under the 50 caliber mount and got an answer. It was a light under the ball mount. Snap shot answer I got from the Warbirds of Glory Museum as I emailed them Sounds like the light must have been simular to the post of Devil Dog that I had posted before.

All the best



So been doing some thinking and research today. We really have not touch much about it in this thread but it could be argued the really first modified weapons configuration would be the Doolittle raiders Mitchell's.

For the longest time I always thought the wooden broom stick tails of the Raiders were a last minute add on thanks to the movies. It was hoped that this would make Japanese fighters leary of attacking the B-25's from behind. In reality the broom stick tail guns were thought up well before the aircraft arrived to the carrier. Below shows the wooden broom stick guns installed at Mid-Continent Airlines Hangar in Minneapolis, Febuary 1942. Source of Photo: Mid-Continent Airlines in Minneapolis - The Doolittle Raid

The below photo taken by me at Dayton Ohio Airforce Museum by me.

Below picture shows the tail of the B-25 Mitchells on the USS Hornet on it's way to Japan. Picture source web:

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Good morning,

Well going through my pc and cleaning things up when I found this photo. I am guessing I got it from the web. Any how I remember saving it because it looks to have the 4 fifty caliber machine guns removed and a plug in the 75mm cannon but just noticed this which is circled in Yellow. I dont ever remember seeing anything like this.


All the best Paul

The retracted Bendix under turret (if I'm understanding your circle).
LOL I think I need my glasses checked. You are right but looking at the whole circle it kind of looked like a bag of some sort hanging under the wing to me or a tent. Wow time to go back to bed.

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