B-26 from jgonzalez

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At 8:20, you can see the engine fall of the wing.

The only B26 group in the Pacific was the 22nd BG. The B26 didnt have much success in this theater as compared to the B25. Theres a fantastic book about the 22nd ..."Revenge of the Red Raiders". A worthy book for any collection.
Yeah, I can't imagine that the high wing loading associated with the high landing speed/poor high altitude performance wasn't predicted. I'm not an aerospace engineer, but what did the dihedral change to the rear horizontal stabilizers actually do? Can anyone explain what an anhedral, normal and dihedral rear horizantal stabs constribute to flight? Or is it airframe dependent?
Can anyone explain what an anhedral, normal and dihedral rear horizantal stabs constribute to flight?

Isn't it all to do with in-flight stablity?
Something to do with air not travelling outwards as it does with dihedral surfaces, therefore reducing wingtip vortices...???
Just a guess buy hey, it sounds professional!!

I'm sure theres a aeronautical engineer around to answer it properly..
Top work!! These were very enjoyable!!

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