B-29 Parts of a local legend

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Feb 17, 2008
These parts have been being said "Propeller parts of B-29" since 1945.
A local resident was keeping them.

My friend who is a JSDF staff found them a few years ago in his research of 'Haley's Comet' - a B-29 that exploded to crash above Chiba Prefecture on January 27, 1945.

The bearing design looks that of propeller.
I wonder what is the other half-ring.

If anybody may know anything, will you advise?
We would like to identify them, if possible.
Thanks for your help in advance.


I have had a kind advice from a member saying that the image I posted here is too large.
Please let me make an excuse for my own small honor.

I uploaded my image from my PC first but it was evidently too large to view comfortably. So I deleted.

Then, I transferred the same image to another server on the net so that I can make a link between the server and this thread. In this case, the image cannot look too large first unless a reader click to enlarge.

Minimizing the size using a software is one way but I wanted to post it in the original size because other readers who are interested in the parts may want to evaluate it in full size.

Above was all of my processings for a post.
Thank you for your advice and understanding.

No biggie Shinpachi,

I use the program called paint that comes with windows XP. Once you open your file go to strech/skew under image. Change the percentages for stretch till you find one that looks right. Ive found that if it looks about the size of a normal picture that fits on the monitor then it works great here on the forum. A little trial and error may be needed depending on your monitor settings.

Hope that helps
Hi, Micdrow.

I understand that the automatic resizing function here may depend on each monitor. I'll take care. Thank you very much for your kind follow.

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