B25 Crew Roster?

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Jul 31, 2005
Loves Park, Illinois, USA
My dad (since passed on), told me years ago that he was a crewman on the Ruptured Duck (pre doolittle). The little information that he gave me, or that I can remember was that he was involved in a crash of the plane at some point in it's history. Fortunatly all he recieved in injuries was a smashed toe. Thats all I know of the incident. Is there anyway I can find more info on this? Crew roster or anything? I tried searching the internet and so far have found nothing other than info on Dolittle. :?:
Ruptured Duck was Ted Lawson's plane for the Doolittle Raid. If you have other info, I can talk to one of the guys at the museum that was a B-25 pilot. He might know of some resources that you can look into.

If you want, you can PM me your dad's name and I will see what I can find. Or you can post it here. There are a few of us here that have friends in the warbird community that may be able to help.
Im not saying I know squat diddly Gramps but I wanted to trace my uncles Wellington crash and the guys on here came up trumps in double quick time so hold fire on counting it out I lay money on you getting some info from the experts on this site their shit hot.

yeah we've all got one or two areas where we're particularly knowledgeable, CC for example's the site's italian plane "experten", Skimmey can help with the native canadian planes :rolleyes:
Skimmey can help with the native canadian planes
I didnt Know the Mohicans had planes, thats what I call an advanced tribe :shock: whipping off your scalp one minute then 30,000 ft on a totem pole the next amazing. :)
"An American B-25-B Mitchell medium bomber aircraft called the "Ruptured Duck" was flown by First Lieutenant Ted W. Lawson during the famous Doolittle Raid of 18 April 1942. The "Ruptured Duck" was the seventh plane of the sixteen total bombers in the strike force to take off from the flight deck of the aircraft carrier USS Hornet (CV- 8 ) . Lt. Lawson crash-landed the Ruptured Duck in the East China Sea a quarter mile from the Chinese shore after a successful bombing run over Tokyo. Lt. Lawson and his copilot (Second Lieutenant Dean Davenport) were ejected through the front windshield of the aircraft during the landing, causing both to sustain serious injuries. Of the other three crewmembers on board, only one of them (Corporal David Thatcher, the gunner) escaped injury. While recovering from the amputation of his left leg, the newly promoted Capt. Lawson wrote "Thirty Seconds Over Tokyo," which was made into a movie in 1944 (still viewed as the definitive movie about the raid. The nose-art of the crashed bomber was salvaged by the Japanese and put on display in Tokyo. The other members of the crew were 2nd Lt. Charles McClure (Navigator) and 2nd Lt. Robert Cleaver (Bombadier)."

From Wikipedia


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