before 1942

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Dec 19, 2006
I was wondering if anyone could identify any of the pilots/places/planes in these photos. These photos are from my wife's Grandpa who immigrated to the US in the early 1920's from China. He went back to China to fight the Japanese from 1938 to about 1941. We are trying to get an idea of what his life was like as he died before my wife was born. His name was Al Wong or Albert Lee Wong.



Dewoitine D 510

Dewoitine D510

Douglas DC 2

Polikarpov I 15

Curtis Hawk III

North American NA 16

North American NA 16
Thanks, I will have to read up on the history of those planes.

It is really cool stuff.

In those pics are the Chinese Nationalist Air Force a/c and crews. Judging from the Soviet I 15, French D 510 and Hawkers. Those pictures were probably from late 1930s before the air force was practically wiped out by the Japanese and rebuilt with American lend-lease planes.

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