Chief Master Sergeant
John - nothing to disagree with but here is a question:
If the best airforce in 1943 boiled down to one aircraft each instead of the necessay tens of thousands (plus crews and logistics)
wouldn't the luftwaffe with
Me 262, Ta 152, Ar 234, He 277, FW 190F-8, Ju 88 (plus all the necessary variants) and Ju 52 (plus throw in whatever you wish)
be the 'best'?
The German technical advances were incredible, even more so given the raw material shortages.
My Dad was a POW in Germany and he used to say how amazing the ME262 was, quiet and fast compared to the piston engined fighters when they flew over his camp.
The Dornier Do 335 Pfeil was another German idea that was advanced , maybe too much for the work it would have to do?
Then again we have the Soviet Yak 9 which was the most mass-produced Soviet fighter of all time. It remained in production from 1942 to 1948, with 16,769 built (14,579 during the war). It was the first Soviet aircraft to shoot down a Messerschmitt Me 262 jet.
Does this make the Yak9 the best fighter?
We have overlooked the Italian Macchi C205V Veltro too. Another beautifull aeroplane.
So hard to say one way or the other !