Best Aircraft in Many Different Roles Part II

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the Jug should be a nice choice !

*ground attack

not the most fast, not the most beautifull, but realiable and armoured like the goddamm hell ! its our baby...


also Bf 109 should be a nice choice by the axis side, by its different versions and also his fexibility in battlefield.
but he was very armoured, it save the lifes of many dudes in the war. but also the plane has a combination of heavy guns, wich made him bad to digest by the luftwaffe predators i gess.

Fighter, interceptor, ground attack, night fighter (limited) and pretty adaptable to these roles too.
The fw190 had speed, manuveribility, armore, armorment and was the germans best mass produced dogfighter acording to many. it was great against tanks and was used semi efectivly with the tame and wild bore night fighter sqoudrins.
The he177 grief was palugued with engine problems Hence the nikename "flying coffon". But late war variants were some of the best bombers the germans had. But they were only good at bombing, somtimes the were used as semi dive bombers. but to the point most of them were plagued with problems and those that were'nt were not much good for anything exept bombing. In the mini blitz the germans lunched late in war against london the he177 took the lowest losses of any german bomber. Alot of there missions were even flown at day!8)
...well I am going to say for axis....sounds silly but the Ju-87...close support,anti tank missions,ground attack, and dive bombing or Ju-88...

Allies Mossie, and Corsair
The Ju 88 was a versitile aircraft: hevy fighter, night fighter, bomber, schnell bomber, dive bomber. Mean while the ju 87 was just a good ground attack aircraft and coudent do enything other than that.
What made the corsair so efective in the pacific was a hevy bomb and rocket load and lack of Jap tanks. With out enimy tanks the lack of cannons was only a miniscule draw back
The 190's cannon wouldn't be much good aganst tanks (at least not much moreso than .50's). And the underwing MK 103's weren't practical. (not used in the anti-tank role anyway)

Read the tank buster thread, one of the most effective (if not the most) was napalm, which the Corsair did use to a limited extent.

Also the HVAR was decent in the anti-tank role as well. (as far as rockets go)
And the Corsair was a pretty accurate dive bomber. (not that dive bombing was particularly good aganst tanks with conventional bombs -with cluster bombs -which weren't used By the US iirc or naplam it's a bit different-)
The fw 190 was fitted with various anti tank armerments such as air two ground rockets and hevey anti tank cannons fitted under wing were more than capable of punching through the top armore of a sherman or even a t-34.

In theary the corsair could only carry five or six napalm bombs, I read that a napalm hit within 50 feet would kill a tank, The germans [ and japanise for that matter] rarly had more than one tank in a 50 feet radios, so lets asume that it takes one napalm bomb to kill a tank. I will be generous and say that a corsair can kill 10 tanks on any given sortie. Mean while it is thearyeticly posible, I am not saying that it ever apened, That a cannon armed plane could destroy up to 30 tanks in any given sortie. Napalm was more efective against tank masses and would not have wiped out the german tank force. I do have to admit if the germans had napalm they would have killed thousinds of russian tanks, the russians perfered massed tank attacks.
Napalm was droppted in tanks (in the case of the F4U the same type as its drop tanks)

The underwing MK 103's tried on the Anton (/R3 iirc) were intended as an anti-tank armament, but this configuration was unsatisfactory as I recall as the accuracy was too poor.

The antitank version of the R4M rockets (Panzerblitz 2) used with the Fw 190 were quite good though.

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