Best Bomber Killing Aircraft......

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I would have to say the fw 190, but as a night-fighter the HE 219 seem to remember reading about one of those shooting down 5 Lancasters in a single sortie.
The LW claims list does not support your statement.

12.06.43 Maj. Werner Streib Stab I./NJG 1 Halifax £ 14 km. S.E. Roermond: at 4.700 m. 01.05 Film C. 2027/I Anerk: Nr.71

12.06.43 Maj. Wern er Streib I./NJG 1 Halifax £ 2 km. S.W. Rheinberg: 5.800 m. 01.20 Film C. 2027/I Anerk: Nr.72

12.06.43 Maj. Werner Streib Stab I./NJG 1 Halifax £ 3 km. N. Mook: no height 01.55 Film C. 2027/I Anerk: Nr.73

12.06.43 Maj. Werner Streib Stab I./NJG 1 Lancaster £ 05 Ost S/KN -2.6: no height [Goch] 02.16 Film C. 2027/I Anerk: Nr.74

12.06.43 Maj. Werner Streib I./NJG 1 Halifax £ 05 Ost S/KM-6.3: at 5.900 m. [Gennep] 02.22 Film C. 2027/I Anerk: Nr.104
Almost as impressive as Branse Burbridge (pilot) and Bill Skelton (Radar Op) who shot down four German nightfighters on the night of 4th November over Germany in a mossie.
Three Ju88's and an Me110 over enemy land without the aid of ground control and picking them out of the mass of bomber returns. To me this was the best performance of any nightfighter of the war.
sorry but there are at least 6 other aces that shot down 4-9 RAF bombers down on a single night, Streibs in the He 219 cannot be confirmed and I really do not care what is listed in Tony Woods files from Freiburg

be cool don't drool
Did Maj. Werner Streib ever have another 5, or more, night in a He219? Did he ever have any other multi kill nights?

What is wrong with Tony's LW claim list?
under his own admission to me several years ago that many of the kills or I should say claims were not readable when copied off and he had to fill in. the truth will be told soon on Streib in a book in 2008

you can look back on the mission 26 November 1944 as an example of the Freiburg mistakes ~ for 56 claims by JG 301 with B-24/B-17 formations............. what a joke ! should read 21 which I have confirmed. that is a major gross error and that is only one of many. Remember this is only a claims listing and not a confirmation listing .......

Ditto on April 24 - B-17 'awards' 2+x actual and 7 of those weren't shot down as claimed but did land in Swtzerland. 12 Mustangs claimed by 109s and four actully shot down.

Overclaiming on all sides but....
in il forgotten battles the late war up gunned 190s are the uber bomber killers in online combat .no american fighter has the punch to come close ...even with the jugs 8 fifties ....also in real life the same was true ..the 30 and 20 mm guns each fireing mini grenades and with lots of armour plate and a tuff radial engine coupled with the endless combat experience and super human effort ..( whats pts ? apparently it was forbidden in the luftwaffe ) the lw pilots given the endless parade of targets made this plane a bomber killer that was not then , nor ever will be , eclipsed in history ..modern costs and realitys being what they are ..the 262 was too fragile , too tempemental and too fast too even really be considered a rival as for allied planes , if it dosent mount at least 4 , 20 mm cannons ,,,fugedaboutit ...
I think he's saying that the Me 262 is the best bomber killing aircraft; however for 'ace' pilots it would probably be the Me 163.

Personally, I wouldn't waste 'ace' pilots in the Komet...
my opinion Bf 109 G, the versions with mk 108 cannon specially, this wepon with his high-explosive ammunition and god rpm was destructible to alied bombers.
ok lol.. so i see that you like Erich you can tell me one thing? he participated in missions over the Western front theater ?
Neto a few things about me :

I am not a WW2 vet. am 54 years old. I did have two relatives serve in the Luftwaffe, 1 a day fighter pilot the other a night fighter ace and finished as Gruppenkommandeur of II./NJG 5 flying the Bf 110G-4. Both pilots were killed in the war. Also had 3 other men on my mothers side that served in the Heer on the Ost front, 2 of them died in action, the other as he was released from a Soviet Gulag died on his way home to the Pfalzland.

have studied the LW Nachtjagd, men and machines and units, radar and almost everything about it since 1964.

Gruß E ~

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